


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-23


  Directions: Each blank in the following passage is provided with four choices. Read each of the passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Television, it is often said, keeps one 1) about current events, allows one to follow the

  2) developments in science and politics, and 3) an endless series of programs which are both 4) and stimulating. The most distant 5) and the strangest customs are brought right 6) one’s sitting room. It could be argued that the radio performs this 7) just as well; but on television everything is much more living, much more 8) . Yet here is a danger. The television screen itself has a terrible, almost physical fascination for us. We get 9) used to looking at its movements, so 10) on its flickering pictures, that it begins to 11) our lives. A friend of 12) told me the other day that his television set had broken 13) and that he and his family had suddenly found that they had far more time to do things, and that they had 14) begun to talk to each other again. It makes one think, 15) it!

  There are many other arguments for and against television. The poor 16) of its programs is often criticized. But is undoubtedly a great comfort to many 17) elderly people. And does it corrupt or instruct our children? I think we must realize that television 18) is neither good nor bad. It is the uses 19) which it is put that determine its 20) to society.

  1. A. informative B. informed C. knowing D. familiar

  2. A. latter B. late C. latest D. later

  3. A. offers B. awards C. rewards D. avails

  4. A. teaching B. instructive C. constructive D. illuminating

  5. A. nations B. powers C. states D. countries

  6. A. up to B. into C. down D. inside

  7. A. business B. aid C. service D. duty

  8. A. true B. vivid C. actual D. real

  9. A. quite B. much C. so D. rather

  10. A. dependable B. dependent C. reliable D. relying

  11. A. dominate B. master C. rule D. ruin

  12. A. me B. my C. mine D. I

  13. A. down B. up C. off D. out

  14. A. truly B. actually C. genuinely D. ruin

  15. A. does B. doesn’t C. isn’t D. is

  16. A. quantity B. quality C. character D. grade

  17. A. lonely B. alone C. single D. solitary

  18. A. by itself B. of itself C. in itself D. itself

  19. A. into B. to C. on D. toward

  20. A. price B. worth C. merit D. value


  人们常说, 电视使人了解时事, 熟悉政治领域的最新发展变化, 并能源源不断地为观众提供各种既有教育意义又有趣的节目。最遥远的国家和最陌生的习俗带进起居室。有人可能会反驳说收音机也提供这种服务;但是在电视上,一切都更加生动逼真。但是存在危险。电视屏幕本身对我们有可怕的、几乎自然的魅力。我们极其习惯于注视屏幕上的运动,依赖闪烁的图像,以至于电视开始主宰我们的生活。我的一个朋友告诉我说,一天他的电视机坏了,他和家人突然发现有了更多的时间做事,他们竟然重新开始交谈了。这值得思考,难道不是吗!



  1、B informed 是“(人)有学识的、见识广博的”的意思,informative 是“(事物)提供信息的,提供消息的”,本句的意思是:“电视使人了解时事”。

  2、C latest 是“最新的、最近的”的意思,“最新发展”,所以选C, latter是“后者”的意思,later是“稍后”的意思。

  3、A 根据句意“源源不断地为观众提供节目”,所以应选A,award是“授予”的意思, reward是“酬劳”的意思,avail是“有益于”的意思。

  4、B instructive是“有益的、教育性的”的意思,constructive是“建设性的”,illuminating是“照明的、启蒙的”,只有B选项符合句意“有教育意义又有趣的节目”。

  5、D 作国家解的几个词区别如下:country 指自然地理方面的国家,nation 指有民族的意义,state 指政治概念的国家,本句强调地理方位最远的,所以应选D。

  6、B bring 与into搭配,bring sth into someplace是将某事物引进、带进某个地方。

  7、D perform duty 是“履行职责”的意思。

  8、B vivid与 living是同义词,都是“生动的、鲜明的”的意思。所以应选B

  9、C 根据本句已经出现的结构so…that…,可以推断出选C

  10、B get 是本句的主要动词,get dependent on 与get used to是并列结构。

  11、A dominate是“以权威或力量控制、支配或统治”之意,master是“精通、掌握”之意,rule是“统治、管辖、治理”之意,ruin是“毁灭”之意。本句应为“主宰支配我们的生活”,所以选A。

  12、C “我的一个朋友”的固定表达。

  13、A 本题目测试的是break与不同介词搭配的词组的意思。Break down是“失效、没用了”之意,break up 是“破碎”之意,break off 是“折断”之意,break out是“爆发”之意。所以“电视机坏了”应选A。

  14、B actually有“事实上、居然”之意。本句是在介绍电视机坏了之后,家中所发生的情况,因此选B。

  15、B 本题测试的是附加疑问句中肯定的陈述句+否定的附加疑问句的结构,并且附加疑问部分的动词一般要与陈述部分的动词相对应,因此选B

  16、B 本句的意思是“很差的节目质量受到批评”,与poor搭配只能是质量,所以应选B

  17、A 本题测试的是同义词辨析。Lonely作定语,更强调情感的孤独,alone不能作定语, single表示单身的,solitary是“惯于独居的”,多用在文学作品中,表示“孤零零的”。所以应选A。

  18、D 本题目测试的是itself与不同介词搭配的词组的意思。By itself“单独地”, of itself “自然而然地”,in itself“本质上、完全地”都不符合句意。本句的意思是“电视本身非好非坏”,所以应选D,itself“本身”。

  19、 B put sth to use 是“运用”的意思。

  20、D value to society是“社会价值”的意思。

