


来源 :中华考试网 2015-04-01



  A:Today we are going to talk about a great invention.It looks like a human being.21.__F__

  B:It's a robot.22.__D__

  A:Of course not.The first robot was invented in 1921.


  A:Sure.They can take the place of humans to do some boring work.They can also do a lot of dangerous work instead of humans.


  A:No.Robots can do a lot of work instead of people in many ways,but people wouldn't be replaced by robots.25.__A__

  B:We get it.

  A.Is that clear?

  B.Can it do some washing?

  C.Why do you think it is useful?

  D.It appeared several centuries ago,didn't it?

  E.Will robots be the same as people?

  F.What is it?

  G.Could you please tell me more about robots?


  Come and meet the coolest inventions.It really sounds like life in the future.And it makes our lives easier,greener and a whole lot more fun.

  Robot English Teachers

  Place:In South Korea

  Usage:Help students practice speaking English

  Reason:The shortage of English teachers in South Korea Underwater Kite

  It's a deep green kite in the ocean.

  Function:To collect energy

  Usage:Just one hour of the kite's work could supply about two weeks of power for the average home

  Inventor:Glen Martin


  Green Machine

  Name:Air Pod car

  Character:Runs on air power,three wheels

  Advantages:No pollution,say goodbye to gas eLEGS

  Function:Help people with paralyzed (瘫痪的) legs stand and walk on their own

  Consists:Robotic legs,crutches (拐杖)

  Appear:Be used at home by 2013


  Function:Can swim through water at up to 24 miles each hour

  Inventor:Tony Mulligan

  Usage:A four­foot­long buoy (救生圈) Hard­working Robot

  Function:A perfect office helper which can send out documents

  Usage:Can be worked as a security guard

  Character:Can identify different human voices and follow instructions

  26.Why Robot English Teachers were created?__B__

  A.Because students don't like their English teachers.

  B.Because there aren't enough English teachers.

  C.Because robot teachers are cleverer.

  D.Because robot teachers can help students practice English.

  27.Who invented the Underwater Kite?__A__

  A.Glen Martin.

  B.Air Pod.

  C.Tony Mulligan.

  D.The passage doesn't tell us.

  28.Which invention can help the disabled people?__B__

  A.Robo­Guard. B.eLEGS.

  C.Hard­working Robot. D.Green Machine.

  29.Tom wants to learn to swim,he needs the invention of__C__.

  A.Underwater Kite B.Green Machine

  C.Robo­Guard D.Hard­working Robot

  30.From the passage we know__C__.

  A.English teachers in South Korea don't work hard.

  B.Green Machine can collect energy.

  C.Hard­working Robot can identify different human voices.

  D.Air Pod car runs on electric.

