


来源 :中华考试网 2015-03-20


  1.—What would you like to say to your__A__ before leaving school?

  —I'd like to say “Thank you very much!I've learnt a lot from you in the past three years.”(2014,十堰)

  A.teachers  B.workers  C.doctors  D.engineers

  2.—What's the date?(2014,淮北模拟)

  —It's October 1st,it's__B__.

  A.Children's Day B.National Day

  C.Mid­autumn Day D.Mother's Day

  3.—Would you like some__D__?

  —No,thanks.I'm not thirsty at all.(2014,六盘水)

  A.bread B.broccoli C.tomatoes D.tea

  4.—Betty,pass me the__C__.I will cut the cake.

  —OK,Mom.Here you are.(2014,衢州)

  A.sugar B.scarf C.knife D.note

  5.—Which class won the basketball match?

  —__B__ did.(2014,安庆模拟)

  A.Class Third B.Class Three

  C.Third Class D.Three Class

  6.Katherine was excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on__D__ Day.(2014,广东)

  A.Woman B.Women C.Woman's D.Women's

  7.The boy didn't sleep well last night because of the __B__from the factory.(2014,平凉)

  A.voice B.noise C.music D.song

  8.John didn't find much__A__ about the accident.(2014,芜湖模拟)

  A.news B.answer C.article D.art

  9.In China,we celebrate______ Day on June 1st,__C__ Day on September 10th.(2014,绥化)

  A.Children's;Teacher's B.Children;Teachers


  10.A human__C__ can do some things better than a computer,for example,creating new ideas.(2014,沈阳)

  A.head B.body C.brain D.arm

