


来源 :中华考试网 2015-05-12

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解(20分)


  We need your name, year of birth, home address(city and state), phone number, school name and e-mail address so that we can e-mail you if your work is published(出版).

  The sentence “I promise that the work is original(原创的)”must be written on the top of your writing, and then you must write down your name.

  Keep sending your works all winter! You can mail your works to Chester Press Box 172, Chester, Cheshire, visit www. Chesterpress. edu or submit(注册)at Chesterpress. edu.

  Please remember the following points:

  ★You should keep a copy for yourself.

  ★Your work may be corrected. We keep the right(权利)to correct and publish it in any form without your permission.

  ★If you d on’t want your name and address for our record, we will not return your work that you send to us.

  根据短文内容, 选择最佳选项。

  1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

  A. Phone number. B. School name.

  C. School address. D. Year of birth.

  2. From the passage, we know that Chester Press is probably a   .

  A. magazine B. film

  C. game D. club

  3. Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?

  A. You can send your works in winter.

  B. Editors at Chester Press c annot correct your works.

  C. You have to make sure that your works are original.

  D. You will be told by e-mail if your work is published.

  4. What do we know from this passage?

  A. You can send your works by post.

  B. You must type the works yourselves.

  C. You aren’t allowed to keep your own copy.

  D. Your works cannot be published without your permission.

  5. Who might be interested in this passage?

  A. Nurses. B. Book sellers.

  C. TV reporters. D. Writers.


  Do you think there is a ghost(鬼)in the world? More than 20 years ago, a student jumped from the top of the clock tower in the University of Birmingham. He did this only because he failed his final exam.

  After his death, a superstition(迷信)began: Anyone who walks under the clock tower will have bad luck in his exam. Years later, students there still remembered the story of the tower. Although Birmingham is the second largest city in Britain, the university is green and quiet. The grass around the tower has been worn away by the feet of students who refuse to pass underneath the tower.

  The university had to pave(铺)extra paths, so students could w alk to their classrooms without passing under the most terrible area. But, one day just before an important exam, a top student in the university walked under the clock tower because he was lost in thought. However, he got high marks in the exam the next day. Quickly students all knew about it. Then they realized that the most important thing is working hard.

  Whenever I go under the clock tower, I will tell myself, “Working hard is the key to success. ”

  6. Why did the stude nt jump from the top of the tower?

  A. Because he saw a ghost there.

  B. Because he was very careless.

  C. Because he didn’t pass his f inal exam.

  D. Because there was no risk.

  7. The University of Birmingham lies in   .

  A. the largest country

  B. the middle of America

  C. the largest city in B ritain

  D. the second largest city in Britain

  8. The grass around the tower has been worn away by the students who   .

  A. think the grass is really beautiful and like to walk on it

  B. think they will fail exams if they walk under the tower

  C. believe anyone who walks under the tower will die

  D. know there is a ghost in the tower and are afraid of it

  9. What did the university do with the problem?

  A. It paved other roads for the students.

  B. It ordered students to walk under the tower.

  C. It moved the clock tower away at last.

  D. It didn’t do anything for the students.

  10. What’s the writer’s opinion in the passage?

  A. He thinks it’s dangerous to risk walking under the clock tower.

  B. He doesn’t believe the story is true.

  C. He thinks the story is interesting.

  D. Working hard is important to success.

