


来源 :中华考试网 2020-12-25

  1.Your T-shirt looks_beautiful, Judy !

  A.Don't say that

  B.Thank you very much

  C.It's not beautiful

  D.I don't think so

  答案: B

  2.What do you often do at weekends?

  - I ofen____ my grandparents

  A. visit

  B. visited

  C. have visited

  D. will vit

  答案: A

  3.-_____. Where is the bank?

  -lt's over there by the post ofice

  A. Excuse me

  B. Sorry

  C. Come on

  D. Hello

  答案: A

  4. Lucy lived in Bejjing from 2008_2012

  A. on

  B. to

  C. at

  D. of

  答案: B

  5.I will meet Jane at the statiouPlease_what time she will amve

  A. count

  B. choose

  C. check

  D. catch .

  答案: C

  6.Lee is new in NanchangMaybe he needs a for sightseeing

  A. watch

  B. ticket

  C. map

  D. notebook

  答案: C

  7. -What's this in English?

  A. It's a book

  B. It's red

  C. It's three

  D. It's sunny

  答案: A

  8.The young man in a blue coat is my PE teachee often plays__ basketball with us




  答案: C

  9.Meimei is a beautiful girl____ big eyes and dark hair.

  A. in

  B. on

  C. at

  D. with

  答案: D

  10.-Scott, why do you like your music teacher, MrCruise?

  一Because he's so

  A. interesting

  B. easy

  C. boring

  D. late

  答案: A

