


来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-10



  Growing up at a distance from my unfriendly father meant I always doubted his feelings for me. Until his final few days, I grew up completely lacking(缺少) hugs. Neither of my parents was the cuddly(令人想拥抱的) type. Greetings including kissing embarrassed me, and hugging generally just made me feel l6 .

  Then one hug changed all that. One month before my 40th birthday my dad had a heart disease. As he came round, days later, he grabbed me and 17 me so hard that I had to push to keep my head from pressing down on his chest.

  It was a hug to make up for all those we had 18 had. Days later as he slowly started to gain strength he told me for the first time that he loved me, and through my 19 I told him I loved him too.

  I began planning how to bake(烘焙) him better -- with carrot 20 , victoria sponges, jelly and ice cream. And I imagined wheeling him 21 the park and feeding him home-made goodies. Then he died.

  I felt cheated. All my life I had wondered whether my dad loved me -- I doubted it. Just as I got proof that he did, he 22 .

  My parents split up when I was two years old and, 23 I had monthly contact with my dad, usually, he, my bitter stepmother and I counted the hours until I could go home again.

  The weekends at my father's house felt 24 . I didn't have any clear close father- daughter 25 to cling (依恋) to and recall. Most of them were of uncomfortable times together, but I missed him being alive very much,

  To a child, a hug 26 so many things. It tells you that the person hugging you loves you, and

  27 for you. A hug also confirms that you are a lovable being. Months after dad's death I somewhat realized that his lack of hugs said more than about him than me. My father was not a(n) 28 man and I was, therefore, perhaps, a lovable being.

  Once I realized my feelings changed from those of a needy child to ones of a proud daughter. Looking at my father more objectively (客观) 29 me to view him clearly: he was a man of few words but kind and modest,

  Dad's hug had a deep effect on me. It carried me along a path from a 30 to an adult, at last I am my own woman and one who loves nothing better than a good old-fashioned hug.

  16. A. excited B. pleased C. proud D. uncomfortable

  17. A. beat B. kissed C. hugged D. praised

  18. A. once B. never C. ever D. often

  19. A. smiles B. tears C. laughs D. words

  20. A. cakes B. cream C. noodles D. vegetables

  21. A. on to B. out of C. through D. towards

  22. A. passed away B. passed out C. passed on D. passed down

  23. A. because B. while C. for D. as

  24. A. warm B. cold C. hot D. cool

  25. A. relations B. memories C. stories D. hugs

  26. A. speaks B. talks C. reminds D. says

  27. A. looks B. searches C. cares D. longs

  28. A. expressive B. talkative C. impressive D. attractive

  29. A. forced B. asked C. allowed D. ordered

  30. A. daughter B. father C. child D. student




  31. The card above is ________.

  A. a ticket B. a postcard C. an invitation D. an advertisement

  32. The party is for ________.

  A. a birthday B. the Queen C. bee watching D. the National Day

  33. According to the card, if you are unable to go, you can ________.

  A. return the card B. visit the Museum

  C. pay no attention to the message D. contact Alice’s mother

