


来源 :中华考试网 2015-10-15


  一. 1—5 CDCAD

  6—10 BBDCA

  11—15 DACCC

  二. 1. on 2. in 3. from 4. for 5. at

  6. in 7. for 8. drink 9. lot 10. presents

  三. (A)

  Saturday Sunday

  Get up Get up

  Go to the noodle shop Go to the park and go on the lake in a boat

  Go to the stadium and play basketball Have hamburgers for lunch

  Go to the park for a picnic lunch Stay home to do homework and revise

  Go to the computer center, buy s ome computer books

  Go to Ken’s house to check email and watch TV

  (B)1—5 BABDD

  五. 1—5 BDACC

  6—10 CABD

