


来源 :中华考试网 2018-10-09

  Passage Three

  The blues was born on the Mississippi River Delta in the early 1900s. After the Civil War, the slaves were free but life was still not easy. They had to find new work. In the South, work camps were formed. Black people from these camps worked on farms and on building up the Mississippi River banks. During the week the people worked long and hard. They often lived alone, without their families, far from home. On the weekends, the workers got together at picnics or drinking places. Travelling black musicians with guitars entertained them. The musicians sang songs about the difficult life of the workers. These songs were called the blues.

  If you have the blues it means you feel very sad. You can have the blues because you have no money, no job, no lover, or no home. But blue songs were not always sad. Some of them were happy and many of them were funny.

  Sometimes the blues singers had song contests. Each singer sang new words or a new style of the blues song. They made up the music as they played. In this way they created new music. This is called improvisation. Later, improvisation became a very important part of jazz music.

  Blues began in the country in the South. As blacks moved into the big cities to work, the blues went with them. There, they sang about life in the cities. W. C. Handy, a black band leader from Memphis made the blues popular all over America. In 1914 he wrote the most famous blues song of all, “The St. Louis Blues”.

  26. After the Civil War, the Black people _________.

  A. were mostly slaves

  B. still led a hard life

  C. enjoyed their new life with families

  D. worked on their own farms

  27. At the very beginning, the blues were _________.

  A. not performed on formal occasions

  B. traditional songs of the Black people

  C. about the life of travelling musicians

  D. very popular throughout the nation

  28. What kind of emotion does the blues express?

  A. Sadness

  B. Happiness

  C. Joking

  D. All of the above

  29. How did “improvisation” come into being?

  A. The blues singers gathered to have contests.

  B. New words were added into old songs.

  C. New styles were played with guitars.

  D. The blues singers created music while playing.

  30. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. The blues were born in the country in the South.

  B. The blues soon disappeared in big cities.

  C. W. C. Handy is the first blues singer in US.

  D. The most well-known blues song is “The St. Louis Blues”.

  Passage Four

  No matter who you are or where you come from, one thing is certain:you are acquainted with the mosquito(蚊子)--although you probably wish you weren’t. Mosquitoes are everywhere. They can be found all over the world, and they come in more than 2,500 species. Somewhere, at some time, you have surely met at least one.

  No one loves the mosquito. But unfortunately the mosquito may decide that she loves you. Yes, She. Only the female mosquito bites. It’s not because she’s unfriendly: she needs blood to reproduce. Female mosquito is quite selective, and she chooses her victims carefully. First, she uses sensors to find her victim. With these sensors, she tests your body moisture, body warmth, and chemical substances in your sweat. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if you don’t appeal to her, she’ll reject you for someone more appetizing. The next time a mosquito bites you, just remember that you were chosen. You’re special.

  If the mosquito likes you, she settles onto your flesh very gently, and she breaks your skin with her proboscis tip. It’s a kind of mouth and it sticks out just below the mosquito’s eyes. She stabs the proboscis tip into your skin at once, and if she hits a blood vessel, she’ll get a full dinner in about a minute. After that, the mosquito is tired. Heavy with your blood, she picks a spot---on a leave or a stone---to lay her eggs. Just one drop of blood will produce hundreds of eggs.

  31. By the sentence “you are acquainted with the mosquito--although you probably wish you weren’t”, the author means that people _________.

  A. don’t like mosquito but it is always there

  B. know mosquito and wish them well

  C. wish all the mosquito disappeared

  D. want to be friendly to mosquito but fail at last

  32. Why is it only female mosquito that bites?

  A. She is more unfriendly than male.

  B. She is greater in number.

  C. Blood is her favorite food.

  D. Blood enables her to lay eggs.

  33. To select whom to bite, the mosquito’s sensors may NOT test_________.

  A. the temperature of the body

  B. the color of the skin

  C. the chemical elements in sweat

  D. the wetness of the body

  34. According to the last paragraph, the function of proboscis tip is to _______.

  A. find where to bite

  B. to stick into the flesh and suck blood

  C. to remove the skin and collect blood

  D. decide whom to reject

  35. The main idea of the passage could be _______.

  A. why and how mosquito bites people

  B. why people dislike mosquito

  C. what kind of mosquito bites people

  D. how to identify female mosquito

