


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-31


  31. We're late. I expect the film _____ by the time we get to the cinema.

  A. had already started

  B. have already started

  C. will already have started

  D. have already been started


  32. Mary _____ in the garden when it began to rain.

  A. was walking B. walked C. walking D. had walked


  33. When the mixture ________, it will give off a powerful force.

  A. will heat B. will be heated C. is heated D. has heated


  34. English ____ in a new way at my college in the past few years.

  A. has been teaching B. was being taught C. has been taught D. had been taught


  35.Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _______ military services.

  A. will finish B. has finished C. finish D. would finish


  36. Please be sure to telephone me the next time you ______.

  A. will come B. would come C. shall come D. come


  37. All the machines _____ by the end of the following week.

  A. were repaired B. will be paid C. have been repaired D. will have been repaired


  38. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _______.

  A. shone B. shines C. has shone D. was shining


  39. Return the book immediately to the library as soon as you ______ with it.

  A. finish B. are finished C. have finished D. are finishing


  40. Let's go to the cinema tonight. I _____ for you at the gate.

  A. wait B. are finished C. have finished D. are finishing


  41. The chemistry class ______ for five minutes when we hurried there.

  A. had been on B. was on C. has been on D. would be on


  42. By the time Juan gets home, his aunt _______.

  A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. is leaving


  43. He has ______ the army for ten years and is now an officer.

  A. gone into B. joined in C. been in D. come into


  44. You 've already missed too many classes this term…… You _____ two classes just last week.

  A. missed B. would miss C. had missed D. have missed


  45. One of the guards ______ when the general came in, which made him very angry.

  A. has slept B. were sleeping C. slept D. was sleeping


  46. They will go home for winter vacation as soon as they ______ their exams.

  A. have finished B. finish C. will finish D. will have finished


  47. About the sixth century A.D. when they few Europeans could read, the Chinese _____ paper.

  A. invented B. had invented C. have invented D. had been invented


  48. I fell and hurt myself while I ______ tennis.

  A. was playing B. am playing C. play D. played


  49. I _______ on the door for ten minutes now without an answer.

  A. was knocking B. an knocking C. knocking D. have been knocking


  50. When you _____ this over with herm you should not see her any more.

  A. talk B. talked C. will talk D. talking


