


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-10

  An adult giraffe's head is about six feet above its heart. This means that to 36 enough blood up to the brain the circulatory 37 must be strong enough to keep the blood at very high pressure.

  Biologists have known for some time that giraffes solve this problem by having 38 high blood pressure, about 39 that of human beings. But an international team of biologists began to 40 about this. If giraffes have such high blood pressure, they should have a 41 problem with swelling in their legs and feet. Why don’t giraffes have swollen feet?

  Giraffes should have 42 problem, too. Every time they bend heads 43 to drink, the blood should 44 to their heads and have a hard time 45 back up (when the head is down) to the heart. How come giraffes don't black out when they drink?

  The answer to the 46 feet problem, the researchers found, is that giraffes have 47 the researchers call a “natural anti-gravity suit”. It 48 out that the skin and other 49 in their legs and feet are 50 stiffer and tougher than those of other 51 . As a result, the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell.

  Therefore, the blood has nowhere to go but back to the heart. What about blood rushing to the head 52 the giraffe bends down to drink? The researchers found that the giraffe’s jugular vein, which 53 blood from the head back to the heart, has lots of one-way valves in it. In the giraffe’s neck, there are lots of muscles that flex and relax repeatedly as the animal moves its head and sucks 54 drinking water. By squeezing the valve jugular vein, they 55 blood moving back to the heart even while the animal is drinking.

  36. A. bring B. produce C. transfer D. pump

  37. A. structure B. system C. function D. organism

  38. A. unusually B. generally C. uncomfortably D. commonly

  39. A. half B. multiple C. double D. pair

  40. A. investigate B. wonder C. undertake D. learn

  41. A. terrible B. unreliable C. unsolvable D. advisable

  42. A. other B. some C. others D. another

  43. A. up B. down C. toward D. aside

  44. A. crush B. brush C. push D. rush

  45. A. following B. returning C. plowing D. pouring

  46. A. healthy B. swollen C. dreary D. radical

  47. A. what B. where C. that D. those

  48. A. reveals B. indicates C. figures D. turns

  49. A. tissues B. vessels C. pores D. organs

  50. A. many B. very C. much D. less

  51. A. giraffes B. animals C. people D. creatures

  52. A. whenever B. whatever C. however D. wherever

  53. A. reflects B. releases C. receives D. carries

  54. A. in B. up C. to D. from

  55. A. permit B. prevent C. retain D. keep


  36. D


  37. B


  38. A


  39. C


  40. B


  41. A


  42. D


  43. B


  44. D


  45. C


  46. B

  词义辨析题。联系上下文可知,如果长颈鹿血压很高,那么它们会有腿部肿胀的问题,空格所在句子就是指长颈鹿对于腿部肿胀问题的解决,所以B正确。原文第二段已经出现swollen feet这一表达,根据原词复现的原理也可知本题选B。

  47. A


  48. D

  惯用搭配题。选项中能与out搭配的词有figure和turn, figure out意为“计算出;解决”,不合句意,排除;turn out意为“证实;发觉是”,符合句意,所以D正确。reveal意为“揭示”,indicate意为“指出”。

  49. A


  50. C


  51. B


  52. A


  53. D


  54. B

  惯用搭配题。suck up意为“吸收”,suck in意为“利用;欺骗;诈取”,to和from不能和suck搭配,suck up符合句意,所以B正确。

  55. D


