


来源 :中华考试网 2017-11-10

  Passage Three

  Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

  Experiments have been carried out on volunteers to see what happens when all sensations are stopped. This can be done in several ways. One method is to put a man inside a completely isolated room. This room is heavily sound-proofed and absolutely dark. There is no light or sound and the person is instructed just to lie motionless on a bed. People have stayed in rooms such as this for as long as four days. The results of sensory deprivation (SD) vary with the individual.

  Soon after entering the confinement cell most subjects went to sleep and slept almost without interruption for ten to twenty-four hours. These are gross estimates for there was nothing by which the subjects could determine the time which had elapsed. We know for certain that one subject slept for nineteen hours but insisted that he had had a nap of less than one hour. According to the monitoring microphone, which was capable of picking up the deep breathing of sleep, it seems more likely that most subjects slept all of the first twenty-four hours.

  We felt that so much sleeping in the first day wasted the effects of confinement, so we started placing subjects in SD early in the morning. We reasoned that after a night's sleep our confined subject would be unable to dissipate the effects of SD by sleeping. Such was not the case. As far as we could determine they went to sleep just as quickly and slept just as long as the previous subjects. We then started entering the subjects at midmorning, midday, and midafternoon. As it turned out, it made no difference when during the day and, presumably, during the night we started the confinement; the initial sleep period was always about the same.

  We had not expected this extended period of initial sleep. In fact, it had seemed reasonable to expect something of the opposite. SD was a very novel situation for our subjects, and as such, we reasoned, it should have occupied them for some time. I had a similar expectation for astronauts during space flight and was greatly surprised to learn that the Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin had been able to sleep during his space flight around the earth.

  Other effects were also noted. With no real sensations to work on, the brain makes up all sorts of false information. Many people experience vivid dreams and hallucinations. When they are finally taken out of the room into the real changing world of light and sound, they are in a very strange state of mind, ready to believe anything and not nearly able to make decisions.

  41. This passage is mainly about

  A. how to have a sound sleep

  B. what causes loss of sensations

  C. what will happen if sensations were lost

  D. how to lose sensations

  42. What does "subjects" (Para. 3, Line 2,) mean in this passage?

  A. Any member of a state except the supreme ruler.

  B. Something to be talked or written about or studied.

  C. Person, animal or thing to be treated or dealt with.

  D. Theme on which a composition is based.

  43. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. All the people react in the same way to sensory deprivation.

  B. The researchers expected the subjects to sleep for a long time.

  C. The first reaction to sensory deprivation is to dream.

  D. Total sensory deprivation means that the brain has no real information to work on.

  44. We can probably infer from the passage that

  A. most astronauts are unable to fall asleep in space

  B. a period of sensory deprivation would make a person hard to control

  C. many people are subject to fantasy while in the sensory deprivation cell

  D. microphones are used to control the breathing of subjects

  45. All of the following are the results of sensory deprivation except that

  A. most subjects fell asleep and slept for a long time

  B. some subjects didn't know how many hours they spent sleeping

  C. it took a long time for the subjects to adapt themselves to sensory deprivation

  D. many subjects became credulous right after sensory deprivation

  III Cloze

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the paper below. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center

  An American warship once paid a visit 46 a port in a hit country where the British base invited the officers of the American warship to a party 47 . Now, Americans like their drinks to have plenty of ice in them, 48 in a cold climate, but at the time the warship's visit to the British base, it was 49 known that the British 50 ever had ice, even in 51 countries.

  The captain of the American ship did not want to have drink warm drinks at the British party, but it 52 very impolite to 53 the British captain's invitation, so the American captain 54 , but an hour before party was 55 to begin, sent a small boat ashore to his host with several large tins of ice from the warship's refrigerators.

  When the American offices went ashore for the party, they were looking forward to 56 plenty of ice in their drinks. They were 57 very surprised when,58 their arrival, they were served drinks with no ice in them at all, they thought that the servants might 59 not yet have had time to 60 the ice that had been sent from the ship, but the party continued, and 61 there was no ice. Of course,

  the American officers were too 62 to ask what had happened to the ice that they had sent.

  When the party at last 63 to an end, the American Captain thanked his British host for the pleasant party. Then the secret of the ice came 64 The British captain thanked the American captain for it and said. "It 65 me to have the first really cold bath I had in this line."

  46. A)at B) to C) on D) in

  47. A) ashore B) aboard C) above D) afloat

  48. A) if B) except C) even D) only

  49. A) obviously B) certainly C) actually D) generally

  50. A) hardly B) rarely C) seldom D) nearly

  51. A) many hottest B) the hottest C) some hottest D) these hottest

  52. A) should be B) would have been C) must have been D) could be

  53. A) neglect B) ignore C) oppose D) refuse

  54. A) accepted B) approved C) received D) allowed

  55. A) due B) sure C) bound D) ready

  56. A) have B) having C) be having D) be had

  57. A) however B) therefore C) nevertheless D) moreover

  58. A) in B) with C) on D) after

  59. A) surely B) maybe C) perhaps D) almost

  60. A) unpack B) uncover C) unfreeze D) unset

  61. A) yet B) still C) even D) rather

  62. A)patient B) thirsty C) careless D) polite

  63. A) came B) went C) got D) had

  64. A) away B) out C) about D) through

  65. A) allowed B) let C) admitted D) suggested

