


来源 :中华考试网 2017-11-09

  Part II Vocabulary (10 points)

  Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  21. An individual bird can ________ the call of its own species.

  A) indicate C) identify

  B) realize D) differ

  22. The terrible accident killed several passengers—5 to be more ________.

  A) special C) particular

  B) generous D) specific

  23. The wall was built along the river ________ floods.

  A) in case of C) in spite of

  B) in light of D) in favor of

  24. When he was asked about the missing camera, the boy ________ ever seeing it.

  A) refused C) avoided

  B) denied D) pretended

  25. I must ________ on your giving me a straightforward answer.

  A) rest C) comment

  B) insist D) remark

  26. It would be difficult not to ________ the child’s father in the arrangements.

  A) involve C) perform

  B) accompany D) employ

  27. Her rough, red hands ________ a life of hard physical work.

  A) removed C) reflected

  B) reminded D) resulted

  28. 13% of those questioned gave bad housing as their main ________ of worry.

  A) resource C) aim

  B) origin D) source

  29. It was definitely his fault --- James was ________ of that.

  A) positive C) negative

  B) active D) passive

  30. Resentment against your work seems to ________ from the fact that people don’t understand it.

  A) raise C) arise

  B) occur D) happen

  31. He hoped to ________ a few hours’ sleep at the airport.

  A) grab C) grasp

  B) catch D) hold

  32. Luckily Richard had the ________ of mind to take down the car’s registration number.

  A) evidence C) event

  B) appearance D) presence

  33. Is there no ________ to what you propose?

  A) alternative C) option

  B) choice D) means

  34. The country has a law ________ employees from striking.

  A) prohibiting C) allowing

  B) forbidding D) permitting

  35. Local officials are ________ of gross mismanagement.

  A) charged C) accused

  B) confirmed D) pleaded

  36. The problem with Louis is that he doesn’t know his ________, —he just assumes he can do anything.

  A) limitations C) capacity

  B) limits D) ability

  37. Aunt Jane was ________ of everyone who came to her front door.

  A) capable C) unworthy

  B) suspicious D) convinced

  38. It’s an issue we’ll have to ________ no matter how unpleasant it is.

  A) plot C) overlook

  B) reflect D) confront

  39. I will help you, ________ that you pay me.

  A) if C) provided

  B) in condition D) in case

  40. The president knows that his personal ________ is his greatest political asset.

  A) feature C) identity

  B) figure D) image

