


来源 :中华考试网 2017-08-19

  21. when i applied for my passport to be renewed, i had to send a recent photograph. 当我申请护照延期时,我不得不发一张最近的照片

  22. she is always acknowledged to be one of the best artists. 她一直被公认为是最好的艺术家之一

  23. the boy's being educated in an atmoshere of simply living was what his parents wished for. 男孩在一个大气简单的生活教育就是他的父母所希望的

  24. to be or not to be, that is the question是或不,这是问题

  25. jim would rather we didn't leave now, but we must go to work. 吉姆宁愿我们没有离开,但我们必须去工作

  26. given that there was so little money available for the project, they've done a good job. 鉴于这个项目有那么少的钱,他们做得很好

  27. she never laughed, nor did she ever lose her temper. 她从不笑,也从不发脾气

  28. as was expected he performed the task with success. 正如他所期望的那样,他成功地完成了这项任务

  29. i am noly partly responsible for the success of this book; my collaborator deserves more credit. 我只是部分负责这本书的成功;我的合作者的功劳

  30. the noise of desks being opened and closed could be heard out in the street, which indicated the beginning of the class. 在街上,有人在街上开关门的声音,这说明了上课的开始。

  31. i would appreciate your keeping it a secret because it will influence the safety of this country. 我会感谢你保守秘密,因为这会影响到这个国家的安全

  32. there goes the last piece of cake and the last spoonful of ice cream还有最后一块蛋糕和一勺冰淇淋

  33. they should have gone earlier,haven't they. 他们早该走了,没有他们

  34. not until 1868 was atlanta made the capital of the state of georgia直到1868是亚特兰大取得了佐治亚州的首府

  35. there are few electronic applications more likely to raise fears regarding future employment opportunities than robots. 有几个电子应用程序更容易提高对未来的就业机会比机器人的恐惧

  36. the more i know him, the less i like him. 我越认识他,我就越不喜欢他

  37. whether you like it or not,you have to study. 不管你喜欢还是不喜欢,你都要学习

  38. they have been working on the project for seven months, by the end of the year they will have finished it. 他们已经在这个项目上工作了七个月,到了年底他们就已经完成了

  39. i am afraid i've rather neglected the house this week so it's a bit of mess. 这星期我恐怕我宁愿忽视这房子,所以有点乱

  40. there is a complex network of roads round the country. 全国有一个复杂的网络网络

  41. it was rather difficult to guess what her response to the news would be. 要猜到她对新闻的反应是什么样的

  42. the doctor assured me that the discomfort would disappear in a couple of days if i followed his advice. 医生向我保证,如果我听从他的劝告,在几天内不舒服就会消失了

  43. the robber told him that he had better keep silent unless he would to get into trouble. 强盗告诉他,他最好保持沉默,除非他会陷入困境

  44. she looked behind her from time to time to make sure that she was not followed. 她不时地朝她身后看,以确保她没有被跟踪

  45. "i thought he was present at the meeting." “我以为他在会上出席了会议

  "so he was." “所以他是

  46. he gave his son some money for the purchase of a new dictionary. 他给了儿子一些钱买了一本新词典

  47. i hate people who reveal the end of a film that you haven't seen before. 我最恨的人谁揭露了一部电影,你没有看到之前

  48. the team really looks good tonight because the coach had them practice every night this week. 今晚的球队真的很好,因为今晚的训练中,他们每个晚上都在练习

  49. on their way home they encountered a woman selling flowers. 在回家的路上,他们遇到了一个卖花的女人

  50. were i not so busy, i should go with you. 我不是很忙,我应该和你一起去

  51. police are trying to discover the identity of a baby found by the side of aroad. 警方试图发现的外侧面发现一个婴儿的身份

  52. to save the earth, man must stop polluting its atmosphere. 为了拯救地球,人类必须停止污染它的大气层

  53. her face became red the instant she learned that she had made a silly question. 她得知自己犯了一个愚蠢的问题,脸就红了

  54. if you want to telephone him you will have to look up the number in the book. 如果你想打电话给他,你就得查一下这本书的号码

  55. your hair needs to be cut, you'd better have it done tomorrow. 你的头发需要被剪,你最好把它做明天

  56. in may the female birds build a nest and lay their eggs. 雌鸟可以筑巢,产卵

  57. last year the advertising rate rose by 20 percent. 去年的广告率上升了百分之20

  58. it is essential that we have exercise and fresh air and sleep重要的是我们有运动和新鲜的空气和睡眠

  59. would you please fill in your name, address and telephone number here? 请您填一下您的姓名、地址和电话号码,好吗

  60. he didn't have time to read the report word for word: he just skimmed it他没有时间去读报告中的词:他只是浏览了一下

  psychologists have discovered that even the most independent-minded of us will follow social pressure when we are with a group of people. in one classic experiment, people were shown a vertical line and asked to find a line of identical length from a/an selection of three. 心理学家们发现,即使是最独立的思想的人也会跟着社会的压力,当我们与一群人。在一个典型的实验中,人们被显示出一条垂直线,并要求找到一条相同长度的线从一个三

  you might think that this a very easy task, and when people perform it by themselves they do very well. however, psychologists have discovered that we are very wasily influenced by the opinions of other people when we do this task in group. in one study, a group of three people was set up, where two of the people were confederates of the experimenter. when the confederates deliberately gave wrong answers, people were also often influenced to give the wrong answer. 你可能会认为这是一个非常容易的任务,当人们做它时,他们做的很好。然而,心理学家发现,我们很容易受其他人的意见,当我们做这个任务组。在一项研究中,一个三人的小组成立,其中两人是实验者的同伙。当盟军故意给了错误的答案,人们也常常影响给出错误的答案75% of people gave at least one wrong answer, with some people following peer pressure on every occasion. 75%的人给了至少一个错误的答案,与一些人在每一次的同行压力

  but why do people act in this way, in an easy task like this, it seems that people do not want to step out of line with the prevailing opinion of the gruop. on more difficult tasks, people also follow others because they lose confidence in their own ability to make decisions and prefer to trust the majority opinion instead. 但是人们为什么这样做,在这样一个简单的任务,人们似乎不想走出的群体普遍的看法线。在更困难的任务上,人们也追随别人,因为他们对自己的能力失去信心,并且更倾向于相信大多数人的意见.

  a good example of this kind of influence arises when we come across people in distress. would you help a woman who has been attacked in the street? it turns out that you are much more likely to go to assist her if you are alone. but when other people are also around, a spread of reaponsibility occurs. people are paralyzed into inaction, because everyone assumes that someone else will go to the woman's assistance. 当我们遇到困难的时候,这种影响就产生了一个很好的例子。你能帮助一个在街上被攻击的女人吗?事实证明,如果你是一个人,你就更可能去帮助她。但是当其他人也在传播时,责任心。人们陷入了不作为的状态,因为每个人都认为有人会去帮助那个女人的帮助

