


来源 :中华考试网 2017-08-08



  1. Some old beautiful Italian oil paintings are being displayed in the exhibition hall. 07.11.51

  A B C D

  【答案】A 考察形容词的词序。应改为some beautiful old。

  2. Despite his old age, he is still very healthful and often works in the field. 07.04.51

  A B C D

  【答案】D应改为healthy.健康的:healthy, 有利健康的。

  3. Rice has been a basically food for millions of people for hundreds of years. 05.11.51

  A B C D

  【答案】B. 应改为basic. basically是副词,不应该直接修饰名词。

  4. Of the two lectures, the first was by far the best one, partly because the person who

  A B

  delivered it had such a pleasant voice. 05.04.46

  C D

  【答案】B 应改为the better one两者比较用比较式。

  5. Today we have made great achievements, but tomorrow we shall win still great victories. 05.04.48

  A B C D

  【答案】D 应改为greater victories. Still 修饰比较级,更加的意思。

  6. Of the two coats, I’d choose the cheapest one to spare some money for a book. (0904-48)

  A B C D

  【答案】C。应改为the cheaper one。本题考查的是形容词的比较级和最高级。两个东西相比较只用比较级不用最高级。在两件外套之中,我更愿意选择较便宜的那个,省下钱来买本书。

  7. In the days when coal was so widely used, no one realized how soon and how complete

  A B C

  oil would replace it. 02.70


  【答案】C 应改为completely。how 要修饰副词。soon 和completely 并列。

  8. Even though she looks very young, she is twice older than my twenty-year-old sister. 00.68

  A B C D

  【答案】C 应改为:twice as old as。

  9. In the days when coal was so widely used, no one realized how soon and how complete oil

  A B C

  would replace it. 00.69


  【答案】C 应改为:completely。soon和completely 修饰句中的动词replace。how修饰两个副词,soon 和completely并列。

  10. The more frequent the child expresses his interest in an activity, the stranger it will become.98.61

  A B C D

  【答案】A 此处A项修饰谓语动词express,所以应该是副词形式frequently。注意此句使用了the more …the more…“越……就越……”句型。

