


来源 :中华考试网 2020-10-19

  1小型客车免收通行费:toll-free for passenger cars

  2中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸:remains of Chinese People's Volunteers soldiers

  3internet penetration rate:渗透率/broadband/mobile-phone penetration:宽带/手机普及程度/城乡数字鸿沟:urban-rural digital gap

  4three levels lockdown: 三级封锁措施/“traffic light” system of restrictions:“交通灯”三级封锁措施5coronavirus sniffer dogs:新冠病毒探嗅犬


  “十四五”规划编制 14th Five-Year Plan formulation

  考古发现 archaeological findings

  新时代中国特色社会主义新疆 Xinjiang featuring socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era

  媒体融合发展 integrated media development

  研究生教育 postgraduate education



  请看相关报道:A total of 108 million train trips are expected to be made during the travel rush from Monday through Oct 8, with a daily average of about 9.82 million trips, China State Railway Group said.中国国家铁路集团有限公司表示,自9月28日至10月8日,全国铁路预计发送旅客1.08亿人次,日均982万人次。

  The company noted the peak of train transport is expected to be registered on Oct 1 -- the first day of the National Day holiday, with 13 million passenger trips. The figure will hit a record high for daily railway passenger trips after the outbreak.国铁集团表示,10月1日为客流最高峰,预计发送旅客1300万人次,将创新冠肺炎疫情发生以来铁路日均客流新高。

  To serve rising demand, 9,500 trains will be put into operation every day, an addition of 1,200 trains compared to a normal period, it added.为了应对不断增加的出行需求,全国铁路预计日均开行旅客列车达到9500列,比节前日均增加1200列以上。

  公路自驾游比例高Some 408 million road trips are expected to be made during the holiday, according to the Ministry of Transport. All expressways will be toll-free for passenger cars with seven seats or fewer from Friday to Oct 8.交通运输部表示,国庆假期期间公路自驾游有望达到4.08亿次。今年国庆节、中秋节假期,全国收费公路将免收小型客车通行费,具体免费时段从10月1日00:00开始,10月8日24:00结束。



  请看相关报道:The remains of 117 Chinese People's Volunteers soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean War returned to China on Sunday from the Republic of Korea (ROK). This is the seventh annual repatriation, following a handover agreement signed between China and the ROK.9月27日,117位在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸回国。这是中韩两国签署交接协议后第七批回国的烈士遗骸。


  国产运-20大型运输机执行载运任务Y-20 aircraft, the domestically developed transport aircraft, carried out the task for the first time. It was labeled with the serial number 01, as a mark of high respect for the martyrs.国产运-20大型运输机首次执行运送志愿军烈士遗骸回国的任务,机身编号01体现了归烈士们的尊崇。

  遗骸安葬The remains will be buried in the CPV martyrs' cemetery in Shenyang, with a burial ceremony due to be held on Monday.这些烈士将于9月28日安葬在沈阳抗美援朝烈士陵园,并举行安葬仪式。

  Cemetery staff have registered more than 5,000 items that were returned together with the previous six groups of remains, and have established electronic files.至此,陵园工作人员已登记5000余件随烈士遗骸一同返回的遗物,并建立电子档案。

  In 2019, with the help of DNA technology, China successfully identified six of the unknown martyrs and found their families.2019年,我国利用DNA技术成功识别了六位无名烈士的身份并找到了他们的家人。

