

Research on friendship has established a number of facts, some interesting

来源 :焚题库 2022-06-13

共享题干题【2016年真题】Research on friendship has established a number of facts, some interesting, some even useful.Did you know that the average student has five to six friends, or that a friend who was previously an enemy is liked more than one who has always been on the right side? Would you believe that physically attractive individuals are preferred as friends to those less comely, and is it fair that physically attractive defendants are less likely to be found guilty in court? Unfortunately, such titbits do not tell us much more about the nature or the purpose of friendship.
 In fact, studies of friendship seem to implicate more complex factors.For example,one function friendship seems to fulfill is that it supports the image we have of ourselves,and confirms the value of the attitudes we hold.Certainly we appear to project ourselves onto our friends; several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than they (objectively) are.This suggests that we ought to choose friends who are similar to us (“birds of a feather”)rather than those who would be complementary (“opposites attract”).In our experiment, some developing friendships were monitored amongst first-year students living in the same hostel.It was found that similarity of attitudes (toward politics, religion and ethics, pastimes and aesthetics) was a good predictor of what friendships would be established by the end of the four months, though it had less to do with initial alliances not surprisingly, since attitudes may not be obvious on first inspection.
 There have also been studies of pairings, both voluntary (married couples) and forced (student roommates), to see who remained together and who split up.Again, the evidence seems to favor similarity rather than complementarity as an omen of a successful relationship,though there is a complication: when marriage is concerned,once the field has been narrowed down to potential mates who come from similar backgrounds and share a broad range of attitudes and values, a degree of complementarity seems to become desirable.When a couple is not just similar but almost identical, something else seems to be needed.Similarity can breed contempt; it has also been found that when we find others obnoxious, we dislike them more if they are like us than when they are dissimilar.
 The difficulty of linking friendship with similarity of personality probably reflects the complexity of our personalities: we have many facets and therefore require a disparate group of friends to support us.This, of course, can explain why we may have two close friends who have little in common and indeed dislike each other.By and large, though, it looks as though we would do well to choose friends (and spouses) who resemble us.If this were not so, computer dating agencies would have gone out of business years ago.


单选题第1题The word “comely” underlined in Paragraph 1 means________.






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 根据 comely斤在的句子 physically attractive individuals are preferred as friends to those less comely”可知,这里的prefer ... to ...构成了比较命题,比较双方为attractive individuals 和 those (即 individuals) less comely,那么,comely应该与attractive是近义词,才能构成比较,因此可以推断,选项A符合词义。


单选题第2题Research on friendship has shown that________.

A.every student has five or six friends

B.judges are always influenced by a pretty face

C.ugly people find it harder to make friends than beautiful people

D.we tend to grow fond of people if we dislike them at first sight


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答案解析:细节识别。第一段开篇就声称 “Research on friendship has established a number of
 facts”,其中一项发现就是“...physically attractive individuals are preferred as friends to
 those less comely”,说直白一些,就是选项C所表达的意义。


单选题第3题Studies of friendship have demonstrated that in making friends, we________.

A.are seeking sympathy

B.insist they take similar attitudes toward ourselves

C.think they resemble us more than they really do

D.want to be flattered


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答案解析:细节识别。第二段原句“...several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than they (objectively) are” 与选项 C 的表述一致。


单选题第4题The phrase “birds of a feather” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to________.

A.people of similar character

B.birds with the same color of feather

C.the fact that birds are composed of feathers

D.people who like the same kind of birds


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答案解析:近义表述。原文“who are similar to us ('birds of a feather')”清楚表明括号内外的 句子成分是近义解释,所以很容易选择正确答案。这个英语谚语的完整形式为“Birds of a feather flock together”,即物以类聚,人以群分。


单选题第5题The experiment conducted on students living in a hostel suggested that________

A.in the long run, people got on better with those resembling them

B.it was impossible to predict what friendships would develop

C.students immediately recognized others with similar attitudes and interests

D.students split up as soon as they discovered differences in attitudes


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答案解析:细节识别。根据第二段 “...similarity of attitudes (toward politics, religion and ethics,
 pastimes and aesthetics) was a good predictor of what friendships would be established by the
 end of the four months...”可知,态度相似的人预示着在四个月后更容易建立友谊。这一观点与选项A最接近。


单选题第6题Studies of marriage relationships indicate that ________.

A.exactly the same bases for success apply for ordinary friendship

B.it is, first of all, necessary to limit prospective partners to people from similar   backgrounds

C.opposites get on better than similar personalities

D.the most successful are those between people who are alike but not exactly


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答案解析:语义推理。第三段 “the evidence seems to favor similarity rather than complementarity as an omen of a successful relationship” 表明总的倾向是相似比互补更有利于成功建立关系。本段“…mates who come from similar backgrounds and share a broad range of attitudes and values, a degree of complementarity seems to become desirable. When a couple is not just similar but almost identical, something else seems to be needed” 开始分析其复杂性,即大的前提是婚姻关系中二者的相似好于互补,但如果二人几乎完全相似则有缺陷,于是可以推导出结论,相似而不相同最有利于婚姻。


单选题第7题The word “obnoxious” underlined in Paragraph 3 means________.






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 obnoxious 一词出现在 “ Similarity can breed contempt; it has also been found that when
 we find others obnoxious, we dislike them more if they are like us than when they are


单选题第8题The word “disparate” underlined in Paragraph 4 means________.






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答案解析:词义界定。根据本句中 “we have many facets and therefore require a disparate group
 Of friends to support us”足以推导出disparate的词义。本句是因果关系,因此前后基本
 一致。前者预设了 “很多”,那么结果必 然是多面的,不是单一的,因此选择D。本


单选题第9题According to the passage, a computer dating agency is one that helps others to find a________.






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答案解析:细节识别。第四段最后一句话 “If this were not so, computer dating agencies would have gone out of business years ago”中的关键词为dating,即“约会”,在句中指的是电脑匹配约会对象的机构,帮人们牵线搭桥的电脑程序。因此,只有配偶(spouse)符合句意。


单选题第10题The central idea of the passage is that________.

A.opposites attract each other

B.birds of a feather flock together

C.great minds think alike

D.a friend in need is a friend indeed


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答案解析:主旨大意。如果读者在读完全文后已经有了整体把握,可以直接得出结论了。假如还不确定,可以快 速扫读来进一步确认。其中一个办法就是逐段总结。第一段第一句表明对交友的研究,最后一句说一般的结论没有揭示友谊的性质或宗旨;第二段的核 心结论是birds of a feather(人以群分);第三段发现婚姻双方相似而不相同最 佳;第四段倒数第二句相当于本文结论:择友和择偶时,相似者更成功。





