

If there is any endeavor whose fruits should be freely available, that endeavor

来源 :焚题库 2022-05-09

共享题干题【2016年真题】If there is any endeavor whose fruits should be freely available, that endeavor is surely publicly financed science. Morally, taxpayers who wish to should be able to read about it without further expense. And science advances through cross-fertilization between projects.Barriers to that exchange slow it down.
 There is a widespread feeling that the journal publishers who have mediated this  exchange for the past century or more are becoming an impediment to it. One of the latest  converts is the British government. Recently it announced that, the results of taxpayer-  financed research would be available, free and online, for anyone to read and redistribute.
 Britain’s government is not alone. Soon the European Union followed suit. In the U.S.,  the National Institutes of Health (NIH, the single biggest source of civilian research funds  in the world) has required open-access publishing since 2008. And the Wellcome Trust, a  British foundation that is the world’s second-biggest charitable source of scientific money,  after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also insists that those who receive its support  should make their work available free.
 Criticism of journal publishers usually boils down to two things. One is that their  processes take months, when the Internet could enable them to take days. The other is  that because each paper is like a mini-monopoly, which workers in the field have to read  if they are to advance their own research, there is no incentive to keep the price down.  The publishers thus have scientists  or, more accurately, their universities, which pay  the subscriptions 一 in an armlock. That, combined with the fact that the raw material  (manuscripts of papers) is free, leads to generous returns. In 2011, Elsevier, a large Dutch  publisher, made a profit of 768 million on revenues of 2.06 billion  a margin of 37  percent. Indeed, Elsevier's profits are thought so egregious by many people that 12,000  researchers have signed up to boycott the company’s journals.
 Publishers do provide a service. They organize peer reviews, in which papers are  criticized anonymously by experts (though those experts, like the authors of papers, are  seldom paid for what they do). They also sort the scientific sheep from the goats, by deciding  what gets published, and where. That gives the publishers huge power. Since researchers,  administrators and grant-awarding bodies all take note of which work has got through this  filtering mechanism, the competition to publish in the best journals is intense, and the system  becomes self-reinforcing, increasing the value of those journals still further.
 But not, perhaps, for much longer. Support has been swelling for open-access scientific  publishing: doing it online,in a way that allows anyone to read papers free of charge. The  movement started among scientists themselves, but governments are paying attention and  asking whether they might also benefit from the change.
 Much remains to be worked out. Some fear the loss of the traditional journals' curation  and verification of research. Even Sir Mark Walport, the director of the Wellcome Trust and  a fierce advocate of open-access publication, worries that the newly liberated papers have  ended up in different places rather than being consolidated in the way they want.
 A revolution, then, has begun. Technology permits it; researchers and politicians want  it. If scientific publishers are not trembling in their boots, they should be.

单选题第1题The first two paragraphs intend to indicate that____ .

A.taxpayers should make great efforts to exchange ideas

B.publishers are regarded as a negative factor in science

C.the government is liable to pay for research expenses

D.the results of research projects are freely available to the public


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答案解析:推断题。前两段的核 心内容是“纳税人希望免费获得由财政支持的科技成果信息,而期刊出版商却成了其羁绊”。近来,英国政府推出一项举措,由财政资助的科研成果在网上免费向公众开放。将本题的四个选项与这些内容比对后,可知B为正确答案。A未提及,C和D的共同问题是未限定财政支持。

单选题第2题According to Paragraph 3, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ____.

A.is a very important provider of research funding

B.argues that researchers make their findings public freely

C.has a monopoly on any research results with its financial support

D.follows the example set by the U.S. NIH


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答案解析:细节题。根据题干关键词定位第3段第4句,分析句子结构可知,the Wellcome Trust排在the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation之后,是世界第二大为科学研宄提供资金的慈善机构,由此推断the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation也为科学研宄提供资助,故选A。

单选题第3题According to the passage, people who are unhappy with publishers of scientific journals______.

A.criticize the unfair publication of scientific articles

B.object to their slowness and the high costs of the journals

C.blame them for the slow pace of recent scientific progress

D.think that journals should be abolished as an obstacle to freedom of speech


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单选题第4题The word “egregious” underlined in Paragraph 4 means_____ .

A.somewhat unfavorable

B.rather unnecessary

C.strikingly unavailable

D.clearly bad


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答案解析:语义题。根据上下文可知,人们对于Elsevier的过高获利极为不满,因此egregious应为贬义,而且程度比较强烈。因该句主语是Elsevier所获得的利润,首先可以排除C (完全无法获得)和B (完全没必要),而A (有点不利的)程度不够,意义也不符合题意。通过排除法,正确答案为D (显然是不正当的)。

单选题第5题According to Paragraph 4, which of the following is true?

A.Mini-monopoly seems to advance scientific research.

B.Subscription is a major source of margins for the journals.

C.Publishers make great profits by keeping the price down.

D.Researchers subscribe to journals to receive free manuscripts.


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答案解析:推断题。该类题型通过选项定位寻找正确答案。根据关键词mini-monopoly, subscription, publishers, manuscripts定位到原文相关句子后,将四个选项的语义与其对比后可知,符合题意的只有B(期刊收入的主要来源是客户订阅),因为原文提到“因此出版商掌控了科学家,更准确地说,是科学家任职的大学,它们需要花钱订阅学术期刊”,故选B。

单选题第6题In the phrase “sort the scientific sheep from the goats” underlined in Paragraph 5, the author uses a metaphorical device termed____ .






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答案解析:修辞题。本题考查修辞手段的运用。根据上下文可知,出版社需要辨别论文稿件的优劣,以确定哪些论文可以出版。本词组中的sheep (绵羊)和goat (山羊)显然不是指这两种动物本身,而是指代优劣稿件。根据修辞的特点,可知作者运用了暗喻的手法,故选C。英文中有separate the sheep from the goats的说法,等同于sort (out) the sheep from the goats,意为:to make clear which people in a particular group are of a higher ability than the others .

单选题第7题Before the publication of papers, peer reviews are to ____.

A.differentiate papers

B.evaluate them

C.exercise the power of publishers

D.add the value of journals


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答案解析:细节题。根据关键词定位原文第5段第2句,大意为“出版社组织同行评审专家对论文进行匿名评审”,故选B (评估论文)。值得注意的是,选项A (区分论文)也与题意接近,但不如B准确。

单选题第8题The author mentions the concerns of Sir Mark Walport, who____ .

A.strongly supports current publishing arrangements and models

B.worries about the poor quality of current scientific publication

C.believes that the weaknesses of open-access journals can easily be overcome

D.is afraid that good papers in open-access journals may be neglected


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答案解析:细节题。根据关键词定位原文第7段第2句,可知Sir Mark Walport强烈支持科研论文通过网络发表,但同时对这些论文的前景感到担忧,因为这种改革失去了传统审稿的保障。由此排除A和B,因为这两个选项是针对现行出版制度而言的,C选项在文中未提及,故选D (担心免费获取的期刊优秀论文可能被忽视)。

单选题第9题What does the author think of the future of open-access journals?






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答案解析:态度题。作者对于主题的态度和观点一般出现在文章的最后一部分。根据第8段可知,作者认为改革已经开始,技术条件己经成熟,研宄人员和政客都需要这样的变革。由此可见,这场革命己经势不可挡,故选C (可以预见的)。

单选题第10题The passage intends to____ .

A.argue that academic journals face a radical shake-up

B.illustrate that the publishing formalities need not to change

C.report that the publication of papers faces intense competition

D.discuss that scientific research is shifting to free access


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答案解析:主旨题。文章的主题往往出现在第一部分和最后一部分。本文第2段表明,英国政府宣布由公共财政资助的研宄成果将在互联网公开,供民众免费阅览,第8段又强调此举势在必行。换言之,出版社有偿公布科研论文的传统模式将一去不复返。将四个选项与这一主题对比后可知,最符合题意的是A (表明学术期刊面临巨大变革)。D为强干扰项,似乎也符合题意。但仔细研究后发现,其意为“科学研宄向免费转变”,而本文的主题是研宄成果免费查阅,略有不同,故选A。





