


来源 :中华考试网 2019-01-23




  During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world come together in peace and friendship. The first Olympic Games that we have 46 of were in Greece in 776 B. C. The

  games lasted on day. The only 47 in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran the length of the stadium. In 1896 the games were 48 . again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks 49 a new stadium for the competition. 311 50 from thirteen countries 51 in many events. The 52 became national heroes. In 1908,the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the 53 In 1908,in London, England, the first gold 54 were given to winning athletes.

  The Olympic Winter Games 55 in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Athletes competed in

  56 events such as skiing, ice skating and ice hockey. Today, the Winter Games take place

  57 four years. Until recently, Olympic competitors could not be 58 athletes. All of the athletes in Olympic Games were amateurs. Today, 59 , many of the Olympic athletes are professionals who play their sport 60 money during the year. Some people disagree with this idea.

  46. A. history B. books C. records D. publications

  47. A. activities B. event C. play D. sport

  48. A. held B. planed C. set D. took

  49. A. did B. built C. started D. made

  50. A. persons B. teams C. people D. athletes

  51. A. competed B. fought C. lasted D. against

  52. A. players B. winners C. failures D. athletes

  53. A. area B. country C. world D. universe

  54. A. prices B. title C. money D. medals

  55. A. took B. began C. held D. joined

  56. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

  57. A. any B. other C. between D. every

  58. A. professional B. ordinary C. amateur D. special

  59. A. whereas B. however C. whenever D. whoever

  60. A. by B. with C. for D. out of


  It was the late spring of 1979, a hot Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us sat 61 ,side by side, in rows of wooden chairs on the main campus lawn (草坪). We 62 blue robes (毕业生长袍).We listened carefully to long 63 . When the ceremony (典礼)was 64 ,we threw our caps in the air, and we were officially graduated from college.

  After that, I found Marne Schwartz, my 65 professor, and introduced him to my 66 He was a small man who took small steps, as if a 67 wind could, at any time, 68 him up into the clouds! His teeth were in good shape. When he smiled it was as if you had just 69 him the funniest joke on earth.

  He told my parents how I 70 every class he taught. He told them, “You have a 71 boy here. He helped me a lot. ” Shy but 72 ,I looked at my feet. Before we left, I 73 Mr. Schwartz a present,a briefcase with his name on the front. I didn’t want to forget him. 74 I didn’t want him to forget me. He asked if I would keep in 75 ,and without hesitation (犹豫)I said,“Of course. ”When he turned around, I saw tears in his eyes.

  61. A. along B. around C. beside D. together

  62. A. took B. wore C. put on D. got in

  63. A. lectures B. dialogues C. speeches D. reports

  64. A. on B. up C. over D. away

  65. A. lovely B. precious C. happy D. favorite

  66. A. parents B. elder brother C. girl friend D. friends

  67. A. strong B. north C. warm D. cold

  68. A. beat B. pull C. blow D. wipe

  69. A. made B. told C. played D. given

  70. A. left B. reached C. missed D. took

  71. A. special B. brave C. busy D. serious

  72. A. astonished B. pleased C. disappointed D. nervous

  73. A. handed B. sent C. delivered D. brought

  74. A. While B. But C. And D. For

  75. A. conversation B. mind C. company D. touch


  Everyone likes things that are free,and businesses often give things for free to customers as a way of getting more people to pay attention to their products.

  Ariely, a scientist from MIT, did an experiment on what people would do when 21 things that were free. He 22 a group of students two kinds of chocolates: the good one for 15 cents each and the poor one for 1 cent each. The good chocolate was worth $ 1. 00,so 15 cents was very cheap, 23 the poor quality chocolate was worth 5 cents,so 24 it for 1 cent wasn’t very cheap.

  Most people chose the high quality chocolate for 15 cents. That’s not a 25 But then Ariely lowered the 26 of both pieces of chocolate by 1 cent. If people were 27 correctly, then they should 28 choose the good quality chocolate. But that 29 what happened. Most people chose the free chocolate. This doesn’t make sense in our 30 way of understanding economic behavior(经济行为).

  What is happening here? Ariely 31 that people want to get a good bargain . But they also want to reduce risk (风险).That is, they want to 32 the chance of making a 33 If you pay 14 cents for a piece of chocolate,and then you don’t 34 like it when you eat it, you have lost 14 cents. But when something is free and you don’t like it, you haven’t lost anything. People would 35 not to take a risk over getting a better bargain.

  76. A. facing B. buying C. giving D. treating

  77. A. posted B. produced C. offered D. told

  78. A. if B. as C. for D. but

  79. A. getting B. holding C. eating D. making

  80. A. dream B. reason C. reply D. surprise

  81. A. weight B. size C. price D. quality

  82. A. working B. thinking C. planning D. looking

  83. A. still B. once C. almost D. even

  84. A. should be B. shouldn’t be C. is D. isn’t

  85. A. easy B. old C. normal D. modem

  86. A. questioned B. explained C. agreed D. added

  87. A. find B. leam C. lower D. take

  88. A. decision B. mistake C. promise D. warning

  89. A. usually B. gradually C. certainly D. actually

  90. A. start B. prefer C. manage D. afford

