来源 :中华考试网 2017-04-28
中3.obliterate [ob( =against) +liter( =letter)逆着文字走]
vt. rub or blot out; remove all signs of; destroy 擦掉;消除痕迹;抹杀
obliteration 删除;抹杀
ex) The crows completely obliterated his corn crop this year.
4.obese [ob( =intensive) +es
vt. very fat 很胖的,非常胖的 obesity 肥胖,肥大
ex) Nearly 20% all Americans are now classified obese
5.obligate [ob( =intensive) +lig( =bind)用力地捆]
vt. sb+to do bind someone legally 使负义务;强使 obligation 义务,责任
obligatory 有义务的:要求的,必须的 oblige 使不得不…;使感谢
ex)A typical rental lease obligates the landlord to make any needed repairs.
6.obnoxious [ob( =to) +nox
adj. very disagreeable, very unpleasant, hateful 非常讨厌的.非常不愉快的,可憎的
ex) That obnoxious little boy just kicked me in the shin!
7.obviate [ob( =away) +vi
vt. get rid of; clear away; prevent by effective measures 排除(危险、困难等),清除;消除;防患于未然
obvious 明白的 obviously 明显地
ex) Satellite TV obvistes the need for an outside TV antenna.
8.officious [of
adj. very fond of giving unwelcome services or advice 妤出主意的,多管闲事的
ex)The government required us to use their somewhat officious translator.
9.obdurate [ob( =intensive) +dur( =last)继续持续]
adj. stubborn, obstinate, inflexible 顽固的,固执的,没有融通性的
obduracy 倔强,顽固,执拗
ex)He’s extremely obdurate-offending people and never apologizing afterward.
10.occult [oc adj. hidden, secret, mysterious; supernatural, magical 隐藏的.秘密的;超自然的;神秘的 ex) l’ve long been a student of occultarts. 我学了很长时间的秘术。 11.opportune [op adj. suitable,favorable; good for a purpose; done or coming at a favorable time 适时的,恰好的;适合目的的;适宜的,时机好的 opportunity 机会,良机 opportunism 机会主义 opportunist 机会主义者 ex) This is an opportune time for me to retire-at the end of the project. 这项工程完成之时正是我退休的好时机。 12.ostensible [os adj. put forward in an attempt to hide the real reason; apparent; pretended 表面上的;外表上的;假装的 ostensibly 表面上 ex) The ostensible reason for their divorce was "irreconcilable differences". 他们离婚的表面原因是“无法调解的矛盾”。