来源 :中华考试网 2017-04-28
中13.ostentatious [os
adj. done for unnecessary display; liking to attract notice 卖弄的,夸耀的;豪华的,铺张的
ostentation 夸耀,虚饰,卖弄 ostentatiously 卖弄地
ex) We want an elegant but not ostentatious wedding.
14.obeisance [ob( =intensive) +eis
n. ~ to deep bow of respect; homage; obedience, submission 敬礼;尊敬;服从
ex) My sister pays devoted obeisance to an Indian guru, of all things.
15.obscene [ob( =against,over) +scen( =set)逆着某物、超越某种程度的放置]
adj. morally disgusting; likely to corrupt and deprave by regarding or describing sex indecently(话、想法、书籍、画等)伤风败俗的;猥亵的,淫秽的,下流的
obscenity 猥裘,淫秽;猥亵的言语(行为)
ex)Different people have ditferent opinions about what is obscene.
16.obsequious [ob( =in the way) +sequ( =follow) 追随、奉承让人感到碍手碍脚]
adj. too eager to obey or serve; showing excessive respect from hope of reward or advantage 奉承的;拍马屁的
ex) lt’s difficult for me to trust obsequious people. 我很难信任阿谀奉承的人。
17.opprobrium [op n. the disgrace or infamy attached to conduct viewed as grossly shameful; scom; reproach 耻辱,不名誉;蔑视;责难 opprobrious 侮辱的,辱骂的;丢脸的,羞耻的 ex) Many Repubticans said that Clinton brought unprecedented opprobrlum to his office. 很多共和党人说,克林顿给他的职位带来了前所未有的耻辱。 18.obloquy [ob( =against) +loqu(=say)和某人敌对着说] n. bad words spoken of a person or thing; ill repute,disgrace 诽谤,破口大骂,辱骂;污名,不名誉 ex) His reputation was damaged by the obloquy heaped upon him in the press. 新闻媒体对他的大肆诽谤损害了他的声誉。 19.obsession [ob( =in the way) +sess( =sit)成为妨碍地坐着] n. with ~ the act of an evil spirit in possessing or ruling a person; the state of being ruled by an idea. desire, emotion, etc.;a fixed idea which takes possession of one’s mind 着魔,迷住;摆脱不了的情感 obsess(妄想、固有观念等)萦绕心头,不停地困扰 obsessive 困扰人的 ex) Eating is my hobby. Shopping is my obsession! 呓东西是我的爱好,购物让我着迷! 20.obtrude [ob( =in the way, intensive) +trud/trus(=thrust)使劲地推进以成为阻碍] vt. sth+on+sb push oneself, one’s opinions, etc. forward when unwanted 强求,强行;伸出,突出 vi. on+sth force oneself upon others 强行进入,闯入;打扰 obtrusive 鲁莽的 obtrusion 强迫接受;闯入 obtrusively 冒失地 ex) l’m sick of that guy obtruding his opinions upon us at every turn. 我对经常把自己的意见强加给我们的那个人感到厌烦。