


来源 :中华考试网 2016-09-20

  Part Ⅳ

  Cloze(15 minutes)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.

  For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  Bees are very small animals which fly through the air to look for flowers (71)____. When a bee (72)____ some food, it returns to the hive and dances. The dance is the way a bee (73)____ to other bees that is has found food.

  Bees do two kinds of (74)____ to tell other bees of their (75)____ of food. First, there is a round dance. (76)____ this dance, the bee moves in a (77)____ inside the hive. The round dance is used (78)____ the food is close by. The food must not be more than ten meters (79)____ If a bee comes back and dance a round dance, other bees know they must go out and look nearby for food. The bees also (80)____ the bee that has found the food. The smell tells them what kind of flower to (81)____. After watching the round dance and smelling the bee (82)____ has found the food, cet4v.com can find the other source.

  A second kind of dance (83)____by the bee is a tail-wagging dance. In this dance, the bee wiggles the (84)____ of its body as it moves in a (85)____ line. The tail-wagging dance is used when the food is far away. The food must be (86)____ ten meters away. The bees know from the speed of the tail-wagging dance just how far away the food source is. The line the bee dances on shows the direction that the bees (87)____ fly into find the food. In the tail-wagging dance, the bees also smell the bee (88)____ has found the food. The smell tells them what kind of flowers to look for. After watching the tail-wagging dance and smelling the bee that has found the food, cet4v.com know (89)____ things. They know how far (90)____ fly, what direction to fly in, and what kind of flowers to look for.

  71. A) for food B) for eating

  C) to eat D) for eating food

  72. A) looks for B) findsC) in search of D) found


  73. A) communicates B) makesC) helps D) supports

  74. A) dances B) waysC) methods D) means

  75. A) information B) newsC) discovery D) happiness

  76. A) on B) forC) in D) at

  77. A) direction B) lineC) round D) circle

  78. A) when B) asC) at D) that

  79. A) away B) longC) high D) from

  80. A) taste B) touchC) smell D) do

  81. A) wait for B) look forC) engage in D) subject to


  82. A) what B) thatC) who D) it

  83. A) done B) madeC) danced D) got


  84. A) head B) eyesC) end D) middle

  85. A) circle B) roundC) around D) straight

  86. A) more than B) much thanC) much D) less than

  87. A) should B) wouldC) must D) may

  88. A) which B) thatC) it D) what

  89. A) these B) thoseC) three D) below

  90. A) to B) inC) for D) on

