


来源 :中华考试网 2016-09-20

  Part Ⅲ

  Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  41. We consider ____ the instrument should be adjusted each time it is


  A) necessary that

  B) necessary of it that

  C) cet4v.com

  D) that it necessary

  42. “____ he would not agree to this plan?”

  A) Why do you know

  B) Do you know why

  C) You know why

  D) You know the reason why

  43. When you play football, the person with whom you are playing against is your ____.

  A) opposition

  B) oppositionist

  C) competition

  D) opponent

  44. I wonder if John has forgotten my number. I ____ him to call for the past two hours.

  A) have been expecting

  B) have expected

  C) have been expected

  D) expected

  45. Tom as well as two of his classmates ____ invited to the party.

  A) are B) will be

  C) is D) be

  46. cet4v.com correct, and ____.

  A) neither is mine

  B) mine is neither

  C) neither am I

  D) either is mine

  47. You look so tired tonight, It’s time you ____ to bed.

  A) go B) went

  C) going D) to go

  48. Our company has made a ____ with a foreign automobile company to buy

  50 cars.

  A) contract B) contrast

  C) contact D) convert

  49. Success is not worth the ____ of your health.

  A) value B) attitude

  C) bargain D) sacrifice

  50. My suggestion is that we ____ a trade delegation to Malaysia.

  A) sent B) be sent

  C) send D) being sent

  51. Why not ____ that suit to see it matches with your shirt?

  A) try back B) try on

  B) try for D) try out

  52. A ____ is official permission to visit a country granted by the government of that country. It may be obtained from the embassy of the country you wish to visit.A) visa B) patent

  C) license D) passport

  53. The criminal always paid ____ cash so the police could not track him


  A) in B) by

  C) on D) for

  54. ____ your cooperation, we could not have succeeded in our experiment.


  A) Because of B) Because

  C) But that D) But for

  55. No one can avoid ____ by advertisements.

  A) influencing

  B) influenced

  C) being influenced

  D) to influence

  56. I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is ____.

  A) out of question

  B) out of the question

  C) out of a question

  D) out question

  57. ____ their common aim may seem good, people probably do not realize that dieting can do harm to their health.

  A) If B) Because

  C) Though D) When

  58. The discount houses were first established in that period of time ____ people’s purchasing power was low.

  A) what B) where

  C) which D) when

  59. He ____ the money, he is not such kind of person.

  A) can’t have stolen

  B) mustn’t have stolen

  C) can’t steal

  D) may not steal

  60. ____ by the earthquake, the city had to be rebuilt.

  A) Having badly damaged

  B) Having been badly damaged

  C) Been badly damaged

  D) Being badly damaged

  61. Would you mind ____ quiet for a moment? I’m trying ____ of form.

  A) keeping,to fill out

  B) keeping,filling out

  C) keep,to fill out

  D) to keep,to fill out

  62. Mercury is different from other industrial metals ____ it is a liquid.

  A) because of

  B) whereas

  C) in that

  D) though

  63. He made a hypothesis ____ the great storms on the sun create large amounts of electric energy.

  A) why B) which

  C) when D) that

  64. He had the ____ over other boys of having had very good preschool education.

  A) alternative B) advantage

  C) ability D) challenge

  65. ____ went to the birthday party last night.

  A) Many friends of John

  B) Many John’s friends

  C) Many of John friends

  D) Many friends of John’s

  66. —“Are you tired?”

  —“No, not ____.”

  A) in the least

  B) at the least

  C) so to speak

  D) at least

  67. The notice says that no books in the reading room are allowed ____ out of it.

  A) to take

  B) take

  C) taking

  D) to be taken

  68. ____ in the front row and ____ a pair of binoculars I saw everything

  clearly and beautifully.

  A) Seated,using

  B) Seating,using

  C) Seated,used

  D) Seating,used

  69. ____ they want to the bar to enjoy a drink.

  A) No sooner had they got to know the news when

  B) Hardly they had got to know the news than

  C) No sooner had they got to know the news than

  D) Scarcely had they got to know the news than

  70. At the beginning of a year, everybody ____ many plans for the comingdays.

  A) come up with

  B) come up to

  C) come through

  D) come round





  2016年下半年大学英语四级口语考试报名通知 口语报名补充说明



