


来源 :中华考试网 2019-02-23



  20国集团 g 20(group of 20)

  央行行长 Central Bank Governor

  生物科技 bio-technology

  科技进步日新月异 science and technology have been making continuous progress

  金融风暴 financial turbulence

  贸易壁垒 trade barriers

  保护主义 protectionism

  取长补短 make full use of favorable condition and promote complementarity

  注入新的活力 inject new vitality to

  关税 tariff

  减免债务 debt relief

  优惠贷款 concessional load

  转轨国家 countries in transition

  灵活务实 flexible and pragmatic

  由温饱到小康 a period of having only basic needs met to a comfortable life

  历史性跨越 a historic breakthrough

  底子薄 weak economic basis

  全面建设小康社会 build a moderately prosperous society in an all-around way

  科学发展观 the guideline of scientific development

  扩大内须 expand domestic demand

  科技含量高 high scientific and technological content

  转变经济增长方式 the transformation of the economic growth mode

  提高自主创新能力 enhance innovative ability

  促进城乡区域协调发展 facilitate a balanced development between rural and urban areas

  以人为本 people-centered

  顺应时代潮流 as a response to the trend of our times


  in an atmosphere of learning 在学术气氛中

  incubator 孵卵器

  inception 涌现

  undergrad 大学生

  reengineer 调整

  reduce inventory 缩短开发周期

  cumulative 日积月累

  compound rate 复利率

  operating margin 营业利率

  turnover 周转次数

  outstanding receivable 未清应收帐

  strategic sourcing initiative 开源节流战略

  customer-driven 以顾客为驱动力

  service-oriented 服务型

  put a new premium on 高度重视

  managerial competence 管理能力

  Fortune 500 companies 财富500强

  expertise 专门技术

  win-win thinking 双赢思维

  group synergy 协作精神

  hold sb. accountable for 让……放手做

  hold a grudge against 怀恨在心

