来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-20
abortion 人工流产、堕胎
abuse of power 滥用职权
academic society 学术社团
altruism 利他主义、利他
an aging population 人口老龄化
asylum 庇护
benevolent 乐善好施的
a benevolent fund 施善基金
a charitable foundation 慈善基金
eleemosynary relief施舍性的救济
philanthropic contributions慈善捐献
birth rate 人口出生率
burglar-proof door/antitheft door 防盗门
casuistry 判断是非
chain effect/domino effect 连锁反应、多米诺骨牌效应
charitable 慈善的、仁慈的
civic morality 社会公德
community 社区
community service 社区服务
corruption 贪污
court of ethics 道德法庭
crime 犯罪
crimes committed by Mafia-like gangs 黑恶势力犯罪
drug rehabilitation centers戒毒所
drug traffickers 毒枭
drug-related crimes 毒品犯罪
embezzlement 盗用公款
juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪
organized crime 有组织犯罪
robbery 抢劫
sexual harassment 性骚扰
smuggling 走私
theft 偷窃行为
demography, larithmics人口学、人口统计学
size 数量
growth 增长情况
density 密度
distribution 分布
social demography 社会人口学
economic demography 经济人口学
DINK 丁克一族
discrimination 歧视
age discrimination 年龄歧视
discrimination against women 歧视妇女
feminism 男女平等主义、女权运动
feminist movement 女权运动
femininity 妇女特质、柔弱型、温柔
gender/sexual discrimination 性别歧视
job discrimination 工作歧视
male chauvinism 大男子主义、男权主义思想
masculinity 男性阳刚之气
disparity 不一致、不同、不等
drug abuse 吸毒
egalitarian 主张人人平等的、平等主义
emotion quotient 情商
forum 论坛
favorable location 地理优势
family 家庭
immediate family 直接家庭成员
extended family 大家庭、扩大的家庭
family tree 家谱、家谱图
relative 亲属、亲戚
foster father 养父
legal guardian 法定监护人
stepmother 继母
in-law 姻亲
ex-husband 前夫
adopted daughter 养女
nephew 侄子、外甥
niece 侄女、外甥女
cousin 堂兄弟姊妹、表兄弟姊妹
gay 同性恋者、同性恋者的
grant-in-aid 补助金、赠款
geographic location 地理位置
geographic advantage 地理优势
grey income 灰色收入
hardened professional惯犯
have an extramarital affair/ have an ultra-marriage affairs 婚外恋
hedonism 享乐主义
home for the aged/ seniors’ home 敬老院
illiteracy 文盲
income disparity 收入分化、贫富分化
infant mortality 婴儿死亡率
IPR/ intellectual property rights 知识产权
piracy 非法翻印、盗版
bootleg 盗版
copyright royalty 版税、版权费
fight against illegal publication 打非
underground publications 地下出版物
anti-fake label 防伪标识
law of the jungle 弱肉强食法则
lawsuit 诉讼
lawyer 律师
attorney 律师
appeal to a higher court 上诉
charge 控告
drop a lawsuit 撤销控告
court of appeals 上诉法庭
solicitor 初级律师,只能在低级法庭出庭的律师
suspect 犯罪嫌疑人
defendant 被告
plaintiff 起诉人、原告
capital punishment 死刑
guilty 有罪
verdict 裁决、判决书
serve one’s term in prison 服刑
bail 保释
fine 罚款
jury 陪审团
juror 陪审员
life sentence 判处无期徒刑
notary 公证人
notarization 公证
make public expose 曝光
material/spiritual culture 物质、精神文化
minimum wage 最低工资
money worship 拜金主义
morality 道德
Pandora’s box潘多拉魔盒
pluralism 多元文化论
polarization of rich and poor 贫富悬殊
popularity rate 普及率
poverty alleviation 扶贫
poverty relief office 扶贫办公室
racism 种族主义
acculturation 文化适应
assimilation 同化、同化作用
anti-racism education 反种族主义教育
colonialism 殖民主义
ethnic cleansing种族清理
ethnic group 同种、同文化之民族
ethnocentrism 民族优越感
race 人种
stereotype 成见
genocide 有计划的灭种和屠杀
racial discrimination 种族歧视
bias 偏见
reinstatement 复员、复职
sabotage 阴谋破坏、怠工、破坏
single-parent family 单亲家庭
social evils 社会丑恶现象
social welfare 社会福利
food stamps 食品救济券
foreign aid 外援
medicaid 医疗补助
medicare and medicaid医保(保健医疗制度和医疗补助制度)
social security 社会保障
urban legend 都市传奇
values 价值观
vicious circle 恶性循环
virtuous circle 良性循环
views on life 人生观
way of life/ life style 生活方式
SECTION Ⅱ: 中译英 8
爱国运动 patriotic movement
AA制 Dutch treatment/ go Dutch
A 股市场 A-share market
爱国民主人士 patriotic democratic personages
爱国统一战线 patriotic united front
安家费 settling-in allowance
暗箱操作 black case work
按资排辈 to assign priority according to seniority
protect legitimate rights and interest of women, minors and the handicapped
白热化 be white-hot
拜把兄弟 sworn brothers
摆架子 put on airs
白马王子 prince charming
拜年 pay new year’s call
摆谱 put on airs/ show off/ keep up appearance
班车 shuttle bus
斑马线 zebra stripe
搬迁户 a relocated unit or household
半托/日托 daycare
半脱产 a partial sabbatical from work就是一边学习,一边工作。
搬运工人 transport worker
帮倒忙 trying to help but causing more trouble in the process
傍大款A girl finds a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags
包车 to charter a vehicle; a chartered vehicle
maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy
暴发户 new rich; upstart
保护伞 protective umbrella
本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the Twelve Terrestrial Branches;
奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
本本主义 bookishness
闭门羹 given a cold shoulder
避税 evade tax
避嫌 avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion
便当 fast food
博彩、博彩业 lottery industry
薄利多销 small profits but quick returns; small profits and good sales
残疾人 the disabled; the differently abled
成年 grow up; come of age
城市居民 city dweller; urbanite
大龄青年 single youth above the normal matrimonial age
单亲 single parent
抵制运动 boycott
吊销执照 revoke license
独生子女 the only child in one’s family
分工协作 coordination and distribution of responsibilities
福利彩票 welfare lotteries
公民、市民 citizen; city resident
户口簿 resident’s booklet
纪念活动 commemorative activity
家政服务 household management service
结婚 get married
离婚 divorce
居委会 neighborhood committee; residence committee
流动人口 transient population
民工 migrant labor
谋生 make a living
农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labor
派出所 local police station
贫富分化 polarization of wealth
乞丐 beggar
弃婴 abandoned child; foundling
青春期 puberty
青少年时代 adolescence
全国人口普查 nationwide census
全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign
人口素质 quality of population
日常活动 daily activities
日常生活 daily life; everyday life
扫黄运动 anti-porn drive/campaign
社会保险 social insurance
社会地位 social status
社会福利彩票 social welfare lotteries
社会稳定 social stability
社交 socialize
社交活动 social activities
渗透、颠覆和分裂活动 infiltrative, subversive and splittist activities
生活津贴 allowance for living expenses ??
生活困难 be badly off
生活条件 living conditions
适者生存 survival of the fittest
寿命 life span
水货 smuggled goods
送温暖工程 heart-warming project
提高思想道德素质 upgrade the ideological and ethical standards
体力劳动 physical labor; manual work
体育彩票 sports lotteries
同胞 compatriot
文明祥和 civility and harmony
务工农民 migrant rural workers
希望工程 Hope Project
选民 voter; electorate
严重暴力犯罪 violent crimes
移民 immigrant
优秀传统 fine tradition
暂住证 temporary residence permit
职称 professional title
人口 population
人口控制 population control
人口质量 population quality
人口密度 population density
人口结构 population composition
人口自然增长 natural growth of the population
人口负增长 negative population growth
人口零增长zero population growth
生育 natality
计划生育 family planning
优生优育 better natal and prenatal care and better upbringing
生育能力 fertility
无生育力 infertile; barren; sterile
优生学 eugenics
人才 talent; talented person
人才库 talent bank; brain bank
人才交流talent exchange
人才流动talent flow
人才市场 talent market
人才流失 brain bleed
人才外流brain drain
人才断层 gap in talents ???
历史上的社会制度 social systems in history 25:23
史学 science of history
原始社会 primitive society
母系社会 matriarchal society
父系社会 patriarchal society
奴隶社会 slave society
封建社会 feudal society
资本主义社会 capitalist society
社会主义社会 socialist society
共产主义社会 communist society
社会制度 social systems
议会制 parliamentarism
民主集中制 democratic centralism
所有制 system of ownership
公有制 public ownership
私有制 private ownership
全民所有制 ownership by the whole people
集体所有制 collective ownership
中国历史上的一些重大事件 major events in Chinese history
秦始皇统一中国 unification of the country by Emperor Qin Shi Huang
鸦片战争 Opium War
太平天国 Tianping Heavenly Kingdom
戊戌变法 the reform movement of 1898
辛亥革命 the 1911 revolution
新民主主义革命 new democratic revolution
五四运动 the May 4th of 1919
南昌起义 Nanchang Uprising
9.18事变 September 18th incident
长征 Long March
西安事变 Xi’an Incident
卢沟桥事变 Lugouqiao Incident
南京大屠杀 Nanking massacre1937
抗日战争 war of resistance against Japan
解放战争 Chinese people’s war of liberation
土地改革 land reform; Agrarian reform
整风运动 rectification movement
大跃进 the Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 the cultural revolution
十一届三中全会 the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee