来源 :中华考试网 2017-05-29
中acceptance policy 核保政策
accounting period 结算期
account payable 应付账
account receivable 应收账
aggregate loss 累积损失
allotment of shares 配股
amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务
appraiser 房产估价师
asking price 卖主的开交加
attendant risk 附属性风险
awash with dollars 美元泛滥
balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔
blanket bond 总括保证保险
blue-chip share 蓝筹股
blue-sky law (为防止欺诈而制定的)证券交易管理法规
boom and bust 繁荣与萧条
bourse 交易所,证券交易所
captive pools 自保组合
claim-prone 容易出险
claims assistance 理赔协助
closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金
collateralized debts obligation 抵押担保债券
commodity derivatives 商品衍生品
convertible bond 可转换债券
credit default swap 信用违约掉期
debt-for-equity swap 债券转股权
decoupling theory 全球脱钩理论
default and delinquency rate 违约率
deficit-ridden government 负债累累的政府
deposit premium 预付保费
discount rate 贴现率
dividend 红利,股息
economic malaise 经济不景气
erode shares of market 削减市场份额
exit the crisis 走出危机
Fannie Mae 房利美
financial fall-out 金融问题
fraudulent loans 贷款欺诈
fund custodian bank 基金托管银行
get off on the beaten track 打破常规
hedge against any risks 对冲风险
jumbo budget 庞大预算
liquidate 清算,破产
liquidity buffer 流动缓冲
loan shark 高利贷者
lump-sum 一次总付的
mortgage arrears 拖欠房贷
mitigate the risks 减轻风险
negotiable share 可流通股份
non-participating products 不分红产品
open-end securities investment 开放式证券投资基金
over insurance 超额保险
panic buying 抢购
pay-as-you-go rules 现购现付
price/earning ratio 市盈率
petition for bankruptcy 申请破产
proprietary trading 自营
prospectus 招股说明书
put/call option 看跌/看涨期权
rebound 反弹
recoup 偿还,补偿
reimburse 赔偿
rights issue/offering 配股
ripple effects 连锁反应
short account 空头账户
slack/sluggish/declining/stagnant market 萧条的市场
solvency margin 赔偿能力
stalemate 使陷入困境
stave off bankruptcy 阻止破产
stimulus package 一揽子救市计划
straight loan 无担保贷款
stringency measures 紧缩银根措施
swap lines 互惠额度
tailor-made product 定制产品
teeter on the verge of collapse 几近崩溃
the fallout of the financial crisis 经济危机的附带影响
total loss only (T. L. O) 全损险
trump card 王牌
under insurance 低额保险
unfettered financial market 自由金融市场
win accolades 获得赞美
write-down 调低账面价值
written off accounts; write-offs 冲销账目