


来源 :中华考试网 2020-10-19

  1综合授权改革试点:the comprehensive authorized reform measures

  2矫治教育:corrective education/盗用、冒用他人身份: identity theft

  3历史性消除绝对贫困:the historical feat of eradicating absolute poverty

  4碰瓷:deliberately crashing a car to claim compensation/staged crash fraud/staged (auto) accident fraud

  5人工繁育、人工饲养的陆生野生动物:artificially bred and farmed terrestrial wildlife6herd immunity:群体免疫

  【每日一词】中非合作论坛 the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)

  中国特色社会主义先行示范区 a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics

  解决实际问题能力 capabilities of solving practical problems

  新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划 COVAX

  新型消费 new forms of consumption


  近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区综合改革试点实施方案(2020-2025年)》。 请看相关报道:Supporting Shenzhen to pilot the comprehensive authorized reform measures is another significant step to advance the city's opening-up in the new era and a key move in building a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, said the document.方案指出,支持深圳实施综合授权改革试点,是新时代推动深圳改革开放再出发的又一重大举措,是建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的关键一招。

  方案提出的主要目标是:In 2020, major reform measures are expected to be taken in the spheres of market-based allocation of production factors, business environment optimization, and the utilization of urban space, while a list specifying the first batch of authorized matters shall be formulated and implemented.2020年,在要素市场化配置、营商环境优化、城市空间统筹利用等重要领域推出一批重大改革措施,制定实施首批综合授权事项清单,推动试点开好局、起好步。

  In 2022, significant institutional achievements that can be replicated and promoted shall be made in all relevant aspects.2022年,各方面制度建设取得重要进展,形成一批可复制可推广的重大制度成果,试点取得阶段性成效。

  In 2025, landmark achievements shall be scored, with the pilot reform tasks basically completed and providing an essential paradigm for institutional building throughout the country.2025年,重要领域和关键环节改革取得标志性成果,基本完成试点改革任务,为全国制度建设作出重要示范。

  方案其他要点:To further optimize business environment, the plan said that the special economic zone will draw up a list of special measures to relax restrictions on sectors including energy, telecommunication, public service, transport and education based on the nationwide negative list.进一步优化营商环境,在全国统一的市场准入负面清单基础上,制定深圳放宽市场准入特别措施清单,放宽能源、电信、公用事业、交通运输、教育等领域市场准入。

  Greater efforts will be made to further loosen limits on foreign investment in cutting-edge technologies, and improve the system of fair competition, the document said.进一步放宽前沿技术领域的外商投资准入限制。支持完善公平竞争制度。

  The city will pilot the legal protection of new intellectual property rights (IPR), establish a compensation system for IPR infringements, and explore legislation in emerging areas.开展新型知识产权法律保护试点,建立知识产权侵权惩罚性赔偿制度,在新兴领域加强立法探索。

  Shenzhen will also help foreign talent obtain Chinese permanent residence permits and attend professional qualification examinations.为符合条件的外籍高层次人才申请永久居留提供便利。放宽境外人员参加各类职业资格考试的限制。

  Opening-up in the finance and shipping industries will be strengthened, with more efforts to advance the renminbi internationalization and improve the foreign exchange management system.扩大金融业、航运业等对外开放。支持深圳在推进人民币国际化方面先行先试,推动完善外汇管理体制。

  Foreign institutions will be encouraged to set up securities and fund management companies in the city, the document said.支持符合条件的外资金融机构在深圳依法发起设立证券公司、基金管理公司。

