


来源 :中华考试网 2020-10-13


  We have achieved a decisive victory in the battle to defend Hubei Province and its capital city Wuhan by firmly implementing strict control measures, rallying the support of the entire country, dispatching over 40,000 doctors and nurses, rapidly increasing the number of hospital beds, and ensuring the availability of medical supplies.

  ▌在…取得决定性成果 achieve a decisive victory in…

  ▌实施严格管控措施 implement strict control measures

  ▌举全国之力予以支援 rally the support of the entire country

  ▌收治床位 hospital beds


  We continuously refined diagnostic and treatment plans, incorporated traditional Chinese medicine into treatment, and spared no effort in the treatment of patients, thus maximizing the cure rate and minimizing the mortality rate.

  ▌诊疗方案 diagnostic and treatment plans

  ▌全力救治患者 spare no effort in the treatment of patients

  ▌治愈率 cure rate

  ▌病亡率 mortality rate


  We extended the Spring Festival holiday nationwide, postponed the spring semester, facilitated flexible resumption of work, and staggered commute times. We have carried out a society-wide prevention and control effort, ensured early detection, reporting, quarantine, and treatment of cases, firmly controlled sources of infection, and effectively curbed the spread of the virus.

  ▌推迟开学、灵活复工、错峰出行 postponed the spring semester, facilitated flexible resumption of work, and staggered commute times

  ▌群防群控 a society-wide prevention and control

  ▌“四早”(即早诊断、早报告、早隔离、早治疗)early detection, reporting, quarantine, and treatment of cases

  ▌坚决控制传染源,有效遏制疫情蔓延 firmly controlle sources of infection, and effectively curb the spread of the virus


  Intensive efforts have been made to develop drugs, vaccines, and testing reagents. We expanded production of medical supplies by a large margin within a short time, ensured supply and price stability of daily necessities, and maintained smooth transportation on trunk lines, as well as stable supplies of coal, electricity, oil, and gas. In response to changing covid-19 dynamics, we have adopted regular prevention and control measures in a timely manner.

  ▌迅速扩大医用物资生产,短时间内大幅增长 We expanded production of medical supplies by a large margin within a short time

  ▌保障交通干线畅通 maintain smooth transportation on trunk lines


  In the face of the global spread of covid-19, we promptly set up a shield against possible imported cases, and we have provided increased care and support for Chinese citizens overseas. With an open, transparent, and responsible attitude, China has actively engaged in international cooperation, providing timely information, actively sharing prevention technologies and practices, and helping other countries with their response efforts.

  ▌构建外防输入体系 set up a shield against possible imported cases

  ▌积极开展国际合作 China has actively engaged in international cooperation

