


来源 :中华考试网 2020-10-10


  沿江高铁 high-speed railways along the Yangtze River港珠澳大桥 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge跨海大桥 cross-sea bridge沉管隧道 immersed tube tunnel海中人工岛 offshore artificial islands

  北斗系统新技术超过70%北斗三号全球卫星导航系统 BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3)空间导航系统 space-based navigation system卫星 satellite助推火箭 booster rocket发射场 launch site可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket卫星导航 satellite navigation

  八部门规范直播带货 账号将分级分类

  直播经济 livestreaming economy直播课 livestreaming class直播答题 livestreaming quiz网红 online celebrity粉丝经济 fan economy非法弹窗广告 illegal pop-up ads

  上海试点 “宿舍型”公租房

  廉租房 low-rent housing限价房 price-capped housing经济适用房 affordable housing保障性住房 indemnificatory housing商品房 commercial residential building去库存 reduce housing inventories住房公积金 housing fund棚户区 shanty towns住房信息系统 housing information system


  智能汽车 smart vehicles插电式混合动力汽车 plug-in hybrid electric vehicle纯电动汽车 battery electric vehicles燃料电池汽车 fuel-cell electric vehicles充电桩 charging station中签率 odds of winning


  热门景点 tourist hotspots网络实名购票 real-name online ticketing散客 individual tourist自由行 independent travel长城文化带 the Great Wall culture belt



  protect national sovereignty, security and development interests香港事务是中国内政

  Hong Kong affairs are China’s internal affairs确保香港“一国两制”事业行稳致远

  ensure the steady and enduring growth of the cause of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong“一国两制”,依法办事

  to uphold the principle of "one country, two systems," act in accordance with the law


  熔断和奖励机制 reward and suspension mechanism入境航班 inbound flight第一入境点 first point of entry重大航空运输保障机制 major air transportation guarantee mechanism国际客运包机 chartered international passenger flights预先飞行计划 pre-flight plan


  常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control保持社交距离 social distancing实行封闭式管控 to exercise management by sealing off entities恢复生产生活秩序 to resume work and normal life


  数字经济 digital economy跨境结算 cross-border settlement人民币国际化 internationalization of the yuan面额 denomination最大发行量 maximum circulation

  第八版新冠肺炎诊疗方案发布 明确潜伏期传染性

  流行病学特征 epidemiological characteristics感染率 rate of infection无症状感染者 asymptomatic cases密切接触者 close contacts医学观察 medical observation传染途径 route of transmission药品和疫苗研发 drug and vaccine development

  中美航线增至每周16班 部分新增航线机票本周开放预订

  入境航班 inbound flight第一入境点 first point of entry重大航空运输保障机制 major air transportation guarantee mechanism海关清关 customs clearance国际客运包机 chartered international passenger flights


  科创板 STAR Market创业板 second board / ChiNext绩优股 blue chip成长股 growth stock交易所交易基金 Exchange Traded Fund, ETF期货 futures退市 delisting上市公司 listed companies外资 foreign capital



  customary diplomatic practices国际关系基本准则

  the basic norms of international relations维护国家主权、安全、发展利益

  protect national sovereignty, security and development interests

  教育部等六部门点名治理"饭圈""黑界""祖安文化"未成年人权益 minor's rights and interests未成年人身心健康 physical and mental health of youngsters校园欺凌 school bullying留守儿童 left-behind children防沉迷系统 anti-addiction system

  中共中央、国务院批复“首都功能核心区控制性详细规划”京津冀协同发展 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration plan北京城市副中心 subcenter of the capital疏解北京非首都功能 relieve Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital森林覆盖率 forest coverage


  死亡人数 death toll伤亡人员 casualty紧急救援队 emergency rescue team安全检查 safety inspection

  “神兽”归笼,各地学校陆续开学复课 class resumption常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control保持社交距离 social distancing实行封闭式管控 to exercise management by sealing off entities

