


来源 :中华考试网 2020-10-09


  教育工作者workers in education circles;

  迎难而上 brave difficulties;

  在线教育 online teaching;

  阻断贫困代际传递stop poverty from being passed on to the next generation;

  牢记使命 bear in mind the mission;

  最受社会尊重和令人羡慕的职业the most esteemed and admired profession in society;

  边远贫困地区 remote and impoverished regions;

  全面建设小康社会 build a moderately prosperous society in all respects


  美国甲骨文公司表示已与抖音母公司字节跳动达成协议,成为其“可信技术提供商”。Oracle confirmed in a statement that it had reached a deal with TikTok's Chinese parent, ByteDance, to be the latter's U.S. trusted partner.

  数十万小企业和创作者依靠TikTok谋生并拓展有意义的事业。Hundreds of thousands of small business owners and creators rely upon TikTok to grow their livelihoods and build meaningful careers.

  经济霸凌和政治操纵的伎俩 the tricks of economic bullying and political manipulation;

  巧取豪夺 coercive robbery;

  对美方一贯标榜的市场经济和公平竞争原则的否定 reveal the irony when the U.S. claims to be a champion of market economy and fair competition


  中国正在研发的新冠病毒疫苗可能最早在11月份就可以供公众使用。COVID-19 vaccines in China may be available for public use as early as November.

  前往疫情严重的海外地区工作的人群,从事与防疫相关的医务工作人员等高危人群应优先接种疫苗。Groups at greater risk should be given priority for immunization with COVID-19 vaccines, including those going to countries seriously affected by the virus for work, front-line health workers.

  提高警惕,防止冬季暴发新的疫情call for vigilance to guard against new outbreaks in winter;对病毒产生免疫反应 create an immune response to the virus;


  和平是中国人民的永恒期望,是中国发展的鲜明特征。Peace is an ever-lasting aspiration of the Chinese people and the salient feature of China's development.

  参加联合国维和行动 participate in UN peacekeeping operations (UNPKOs);

  以实际行动维护世界和平 China takes concrete actions to safeguard world peace.

  忠实履行维和使命 faithfully performed duties;

  彰显了和平之师、正义之师、文明之师形象。They have stood fast as a disciplined force for peace and justice.

  为冲突地区实现和平发展带去更多信心和希望 bring greater confidence and hope for peace and development to areas beset by conflict;


  China is the second largest contributor to both peacekeeping assessment and UN membership fees, and the largest troop-contributing country (TCC) among the permanent members of the UN Security Council.


  地缘紧张局势global geostrategic tensions;

  候危机existential climate crisis;

  全球互不信任deep and growing global mistrust;

  数字世界黑暗面dark side of the digital world;

  新冠疫情全球大流行COVID-19 pandemic;

  抛开分歧leave differences and disagreements aside;

  重申对多边主义的集体承诺renew collective commitment to multilateralism;

  新冠战疫不仅给人类敲响了警钟,也是世界应对未来挑战的一次实弹演习。COVID-19 is not only a wake-up call, it is a dress rehearsal for the world of challenges to come.


  故宫是中国传统宫殿式建筑的巅峰之作。The Forbidden City represents the culmination of traditional Chinese palatial architecture.

  展开建筑魅力的全景图unfurl a panoramic picture of architectural glamour;

  时间顺序chronological order;

  朝代兴衰rise and fall of many dynasties;

  传承pass down


  近场通信near-field communication (NFC);

  中国发行首枚NFC芯片邮票。China issues first stamp with NFC chip.

  中国邮政邮票发行中的重大创新 a major innovation in China Post' s issuance of stamps;

  防伪溯源anti-counterfeiting traceability;

  信息化应用 application of information technologies;

  数据记录分析data record analysis

  【#2020北京国际车展#来啦】 “智领未来” “smart vehicle for the future”;

  智能轿车smart and intelligent sedans;

  世界高档轿车品牌world premiere car brands;

  概念车 concept cars;

  新能源汽车new energy vehicles;

  减少二氧化碳排放量 to reduce carbon dioxide emissions;

  碳中和 carbon neutrality;机载数字化功能 onboard digitalized functions;


  人机交互技术human-machine interactive technology;

  北京国际汽车展览会Beijing International Automobile Exhibition 2020 (Auto China 2020)

