来源 :全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试官网 2020-01-03
依法施政 govern in accordance with the law
恪尽职守scrupulously fulfill the duty
积极回应社会关切actively respond to social concerns
纾缓民困 mitigate difficulties for the people
社会深层次矛盾和问题 deep social tensions and problems勇气和担当courage and sense of mission
维护国家主权safeguard China’s sovereignty
巩固和发展了澳门繁荣稳定的良好局面consolidate and promote prosperity and stability in Macao
促进澳门繁荣稳定和经济适度多元发展advance Macao’s prosperity and stability while developing an appropriately diversified economy
反对任何外部势力干涉香港事务oppose any external force interfering in Hong Kong affairs
对原产于美国的汽车及零部件继续暂停加征关税refrain from implementing tariffs on vehicles and auto parts from the United States
对美加征关税商品排除工作继续开展。Work on tariff exemptions for imports from the U.S. will proceed.
第一阶段贸易协议文本达成一致 agree on the text of a phase one trade deal
贸易战的缓和 de-escalation of the trade war
在平等和相互尊重的基础上on the basis of equality and mutual respect
美方任何以此遏制中国发展的图谋都不会得逞,到头来只会是搬起石头砸自己的脚。Any attempts by the United States to stifle China's development will be in vain, and will only backfire and harm the US.
粗暴干涉中国内政 blatantly interfered with China's domestic affairs
如果有人硬要把中国逼成对手,那么中国一定会做一个合格的对手。If someone insists on forcing China into being a competitor, then China will certainly be a formidable one.
工伤保险 work injury insurance
失业保险unemployment insurance
生育保险maternity insurance
缴纳社保金pay social insurance contributions
职工基本养老保险basic old-age insurance for employees
基本医疗保险basic medical insurance
在内地就业、居住和就读的港澳台居民Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents who work, study or live on the Chinese mainland
可参加社保eligible for the national social insurance;社会保险暂行办法interim measures for social insurance;与内地居民享有同等权利be granted the same rights as their mainland counterparts
生产新型糖尿病治疗药品的原料 raw materials for the production of new diabetes medicines
降低用药成本和促进新药生产reduce medication costs and promote the production of new medicines
稳定生猪生产 stabilize hog production
生猪存栏 the stock of hogs
猪肉供应pork supply
回升迹象 signs of recovery
高峰期 a peak season
非洲猪瘟African swine fever
投放储备冻猪肉 release frozen pork reserves
供需平衡 balanced supply and demand
国产大片 made-in-China blockbusters
制作精良的电影technically sound and well-made films
神话动画与现代叙事结合 an animated fairytale with modern narrative
一部成功的、具有开创性的科幻电影 a pioneering and successful sci-fi movie
千里之行,始于足下。 Giant leaps often start with small steps.
迈出个人的一小步,人类的一大步 take a step for man and a giant leap for mankind
本着友好、和解的精神 in the spirit of friendship and reconciliation
放下过去的分歧 put past differences behind
在保护环境等问题上表现出强烈的使命感 bring a sense of purpose to issues such as protecting our environment
政策改革 >>翻译资格考试职称改革趋势及其解读专题
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