


来源 :中华考试网 2020-09-30


  Home to ___ and gansters, rich and poor, refugees and artists, New York was, in its prime, a metropolis that showcased all the hues of the human character. A. magnetsB. magnatesC. machinesD. magnitudes

  参考译文:B. magnates

  解析:对于这题,除了靠了真的了解每一个选项意思来选择——即很“暴力”地拥有海量词汇量的情况下,还有一种方法可以帮助我们得到正确的答案。这两种方法的基础是对整个句子意思的理解:New York是一个大都市,行行色色人等皆有。因此,才会容得下rich and poor, refugees and artist。而从语法的角度来看,rich 和poor,refugees 和artist都是意思相对的,是两种不同群的对比。那么,什么词会与ganster呢?用排除法来的话,首先可以排除的是machine和magnet,前者是“机器”之义,而后者则是“磁铁”的意思,与ganster不在同一个类别。Magnitude的意思是"(地震)震级",即Magnitude is used in stating the size or extent of something such as a star, earthquake, or explosion. 也与ganster没有关联性。这样一来,就剩下了B. magnets了。Magnet的英文解释是:A magnate is someone who has earned a lot of money from a particular business or industry. 即“巨头”或“大亨”。例如:...a multimillionaire shipping magnate. /资产达数百万的船业巨头。这里,“企业大亨”和“黑帮匪徒”算是一个在天上,一个在地人的两种不同阶层了。与rich and poor的对比是平行的。


  Who ____ was coming to see me in my office this afternoon? A. you saidB. you did sayC. did you sayD. did you say that

  参考答案:C. did you say

  解析:这一题英文就是考一个点——一般疑问句的句型。如果将这个句子变成陈述句,可能大家都不会感觉有什么特别的:You said who was comign to see me in my office this afternoon. 不过,变成了疑问句的话,就会由于did you say而变成干扰项。


  Agronomist are increasingly worried about "desertification," the phenomenon that is turning many of the world's ____ fields and pastures into ____wastlands, unable to support the people living on them. A. fertile...barrenB. productive... bloomingC. arid... thrivingD. poorest..marginal

  参考答案:A. fertile...barren



  It's necessary for _____ more quality houses built next year. A. there to beB. there beingC. there isD. there are

  参考答案:B. there being

  解析:这一题从选项上来看,考点是一个不太常的句型,即考there be的在It's necessary for的句子结构中的表现方式。于是乎,如何理解It's necessary for的句型模式就至关重要了。从一般情况来分析,It's necessary +for+逻辑主语+to do sth 的句型很是平常,不过,逻辑主语如果是there的话,那么,问题就出来了:there后面直接加being也行呀!There 是一个副词,放在句首,其实引导的是一个完全倒装句的,同时,there being直接作为独立主格,也是可以的。不过,在It's necessary for的结构中,it 作为形式主,必然指代的要是逻辑主语,而there作为副词,在there be句子中是作为形式主语,在此呢,则是由it来指代了。因此,就变成了放在介词for的逻辑主语。同时,to do sth.的不定式短语放在其后,表示行为的发生。或者,将整个句子变成一个正常语序,就更能明白了:There to be more quality houses built is necessary.


  Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historian of the 1960's portrayed him as ___ thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like. A. an adventurousB. a doctrinaireC. an eclecticD. a judiciousE. a cynical

  参考答案:D. a judicious

  解析:从大家的选择来看,主要集中在B和D两个选项。我们就先来看这两个词的具体意思。选项C的doctrinaire 与doctrine同源,意思是“空谈理论的; 脱离实际的; 教条主义的”,即 If you say that someone is doctrinaire or has a doctrinaire attitude, you disapprove of them because they have fixed principles which they try to force on other people. 例如:1)He is firm but not doctrinaire. /他很坚定但并不教条。2)on't be so doctrinaire about things. 别那样用理论去解释事物。选项D里judicious,从词形上来看,与judge同源,有“判断、审理”的意思,于是,这个词的意思是“明智的;有见地的;审慎的”,即If you describe an action or decision as judicious, you approve of it because you think that it shows good judgment and sense. 例如:1)The President authorizes the judicious use of military force to protect our citizens. /总统授权可以明智而审慎地动用军队保护我们的公民。2)We should listen to the judicious opinion of that old man. /我们应该听取那位老人明智的意见。从整个句子的意思来看,Jefferson对事务的判断有自己的“标准”,即他会根据自己的political orthodoxy 来对ideas进行判断和取舍。也就是说,在Jefferson年青的时候,就是一位自己的主见,有着自己的判断力的思想者。因此,用D judicious就更为准确。


  The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as __________

  A. possibly little nourishmentB. nourishment possibly littleC. little as possible nourishmentD. little nourishment as possible

  参考答案:D. little nourishment as possible

  解析:这一题里,很明显有as...as possible的搭配。不过,由于形容词little修饰有名词nourishment,则要将as possible放在little nourishment之后。另外,see在这里并不是“看到”的意思,而是“明白、理会”的意思,即.If you see what someone means or see why something happened, you understand what they mean or understand why it happened. 例如:I don't see why you're complaining./我不明白你有什么可抱怨的。






