


来源 :中华考试网 2016-04-09


  The officers made it clear that they were letting her go only because that she was old and not because she was above suspicion.

  A for reason B due to C because of D on the grounds


  【答案解析】 because 因为(引导原因状语从句);for reason 应为 for the reason that; because of 和 due to 后应接名词性短语,on the grounds 根据,以„„为理由, (如后跟短语,用 on the grounds of;如跟从句,用 on the grounds that); 因此 D 为答案。


  My parents moved out of their old home sometime last year after they had celebrated their 50th year there.

  A anniversary B years old C age D wedding


  【答案解析】 此句中的 year 意为“年”,而 A.anniversary 周年纪念(前面需用序数词); B.years old 岁(指年龄);C.age 年龄,使用年限,时代;D.wedding 婚礼, 婚宴;因此 A 为答案。


  Susan Jones was at the bus stop well on time to take the 7:01 bus, but she had to miss her breakfast to do it.

  A catch up with B catch C run up to D be catching


  【答案解析】A.catch up with 赶上(尤指原本落后,努力追上);B.catch 捕获,赶上(车 船等),感染(疾病);C.run up to 跑到,达到,积累到;因此答案为 B。


  The book, which is a useful guide for today's young people, deals with many questions and problems that face them at school and at home as well as in society.

  A are faced B confront C in opposition D meet


  【答案解析】 face 面对,面向(涵盖面广);confront 使面临(特指面对或正视令人不快或 头痛之人或事),in opposition 相对;meet 遇见,和„„会面;因此 B 为答案。


  A famous collection of Persian, Indian, and Arabian folktales, the Arabian Nights was supposedly told by the legendary queen Scheherazade to her husband every night for 1,001 days.

  A imaginary B imagery C fabled D legend


  【答案解析】legendary 传说中的,而 A.imaginary 假想的,想象的,虚构的;B.imagery 肖像,比喻;C.fabled 寓言中的,虚构的(指有寓意的故事,在一个寓言里, 动物能像人一样说话和行动);D.legend 传说(是名词,一般指基于真实事情的 故事.但是夸张且不可能得到证实的);因此答案为 C。


  Double Eagle Ⅱ, the first trans-Atlantic balloon, was greeted by avid crowds in France.

  A eager B surging C appreciative D vigorous


  【答案解析】A. eager 热心于, 渴望着; B. surging 急剧上升, 冲击, 波动; C. appreciative 欣赏的,有欣赏力的,表示感激的;D.vigorous 精力旺盛的,健壮的;而 avid 表示“渴望的”,因此 A 是答案。


  A common question that people ask a story writer is whether or not he has experienced what he has written about.

  A fiction B science C imaginary D literary


  【答案解析】story 故事,小说,传说;fiction 小说(更指文学性小说),虚构;science 科学,自然科学;imaginary 假想的,虚构的;literary 文学的;因而 A 是答案。


  What may be the oldest fossil footprint yet found was discovered in June 1968 by William J. Meister, a non-professional fossil collector.

  A a part-time B a spare-time C an untrained D an amateur


  【答案解析】A.a part-time 部分时间的,非全日的,兼职、兼任的;B.a spare-time; C.an untrained 未经训练的;D.an amateur 业余爱好者;而 non-professional 非专业的,非职业的,因此 D 是答案。


  The discovery of the connection between aspirin and Reyes syndrome, a rare and deadly ailment, is a recent example of the caution with which drugs must be used, even for medical purposes. A disease B sick C ill D illness 【正确答案】:A

  【答案解析】 ailment 疾病(尤指微恙),不宁,不安(常指慢性的恼人病痛);A.disease 疾病,弊病(指各种具体的疾病,也指严重的、病期较长的、足能使人体发生变 化的疾病),B.sick 有病的,恶心的;C.ill 有病的,生病 D.illness 疾病, 生病(表抽象的疾病或生病状态,主要强调身体或精神上不健康的状态和时期); 因此 A 为答案。

  第 10 题

  Most of us think of sharks as dangerous, owing to lack of information rather than fear.

  A due to B because C as D for


  【答案解析】这几个词均有“因为”之意,但短语 owing to 和 due to,because of 常用 来引出简短的原因;而 because 常用来引导原因状语从句;as 和 for 做连词时,常用作书面语,起解释主句的作用,如:As this problem is of great interest, we will discuss it once again.因为这个问题很有意义,所以我们决定再讨 论一次。He was rewarded for his bravery.他由于勇敢而受到嘉奖。所以答案为 A。

