来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-04
中handout (会议上分发的)文字材料
例:If you'd like to use a photocopier for your handouts, do not hesitate to contact us.如 果您需要复印一些会议上分发的文字材料,请尽管与我们联系。
hairdryer (头发)电吹风
例:1 think the汕,广必*厂is faulty.我认为这台电吹风质量有问题。
Hallmak cards (霍尔马克)贺卡
handheld 掌上电脑,又称palmtop
例:This tiny, but very fast and powerful handhelds runs special Pocket versions of all your favourite programs・所有你心爱软件的袖珍版本都可以在这种高速高效的微型掌 上电脑上运行。
handheld PC 手持式电脑
例: Handheld PCs start up the second you hit the power switch, with no boot-up time. 只要一按电钮源,手持式电脑就开始工作,无需启动时间。
handling charge 手续费
例: Handling charge is a fee charged by the bank in relation to a particular payment.手 续费是银行对某一具体支付款项收取的费用。
hands-free (电话)免提
例:This is a modem phone with a hands-free facility.这是带有免提装置的新式电话。
hands on自己动手,亲自动手
例:Students will be given ample opportunities for u hands on “ experience of word-pro- cessing on latest personal computers.参加培训班的学生将有大量机会“自己动手”,在 最新一代的个人电脑上获得文字处理的实际操作经验。
hangtag 飘带式商品标签,通常系在商品上说明商品的质地及使用保养法
例:This is not a hard-and-fast decision-这并非不可变更的死硬决定。
l-ard copy电脑打印稿,硬拷贝(打印在纸上的电脑资料)
例 1: Keep a hard copy in ease the disk is lost or damaged,留一份电脑打印稱,以防磁 盘丢失或损坏。
例 2; 25 per cent of her time is currently spent on dealing with paperwork ( hard copy ). 目前她的时间有25%花在文字工作(在电脑上写作并打印成稿)上。
hard currency 1硬通货.强势货币(币值稳定或有升值趋势)
例:Hard currency can be exchanged between countries.强势货币可以在不同国家之间 兑换。
hard currency 2 夕卜币
例:Cash crops such as cocoa and coffee are often grown in developing countries to earn hard currency.发展中国家常种植可可、咖啡等经济作物创收外汇。
hard disk电脑硬(磁)盘
例:All the files are held on (the) hard disk .所有的文件都在硬盘上 c
hard sell强行推销;硬性推销
例:We will use a high pressure, hard sell approach-我们准备采取施加压力、强行推 销的方式。
hard sell approach强行推销法,硬性推销法
例: Hard sell approach is a sales-oriented sellii^ style, usir^ high pressure and persuasion, discounts and free services.强行推销法是一种以销售为目的的推销方式,包括对 消费者施加压力、游说、提供折扣和免费服务。
例: On arrival, I went straight to the car hire desk to collect the hatchback I'd booked. 一到达,我就直奔负责出租车辆的服务台,取先前预订的般盖式汽车。
例:The company runs a road haulage business.该公司经营公路货运业务。
haulage operator 货物承运公 询
haulage system 拖运系统
例: The company has also decided to postpone the planned upgrading of haulage systems at it Stockholm subsidiary.公司还决定推迟•对斯德哥尔摩分公司实行拖运系统升级的 计划:〉
例: The important thills you need to decide in risk assessment are whether a hazard is significant and wheth-er you have it covered by satisfactory precautions so that the risk is smalL在风险评估中需要决定的几项重要事项包括某个危险因素是否重大而不容忽 视,是否已经采取了令人满意的防范补偿措施以减少风险。
headed paper带信头的信纸(上端印有公司、单位名称、地址、电话号码等的信 纸)
例:Remember lo type lhe letter on headed paper .记住将信打在带信头的信纸上。
例;She was headhunted by a rival firm,她被公司的竞争对手挖走了 o
例: Headhunters are able to target people who are not actually on the job market. 猎头公 司有办法把目标瞄准并未真正进入劳动力市场的人才。
headhunting猎头(的做法),捜罗高级主管人才(的做法),亦作executive search 例 1: headhunting is on the increase as advertising becomes less and less cosi-effective, 由于广告招聘越来越难以获取成本效益,猎头现象日益增多C
恻 2: Headhunting is considered by many to be a "black art” at best, unethical at worst. 在许多人看夹,猎头的做法好不过是“黑色艺术",坏也充其量只是违反道德规范。
head-hunting company 猎头公司
例:But head-hunting cmnpanies have also entered into the business of finding foreign executives for Chinese customers,而猎头公司也参与了为中国主顾寻找外国职业经理的 活动°
head office总公司,简称H0
例: The success or failure of the enterprise will depend on the relationship of the branch office to the head office,这家企业的成败有赖于分公司和总公司的关系。
headquarters 公司总部
例:Their headquarters are in Bonn.他们的公司总部设在波恩。
health and safety 1 健康与安全
例:In order to eliminate risk to the health and safety of employees, appliances should be used in accordance with suppliers' and manufacturers* instructions. 了消除损害员工健 康与安全的危险因素,使用电器时应遵照厂家和供应商的产品说明书C
health and safety 2 卫生及安全保障
例: Health and safety representatives will be meeting next week-卫生及安全保障代表 将于下周开会。
health care reform 医疗制度改革
例: Maintaining profits is becoming more difficult for phannaceulical companies as more and more governments introduce hmlth care reform .随着越釆越多的国家政府实行医 疗改革,保持盈利对制药公司来说变得更加困难了。
health insurance 健康保险
Health Quotient 健康商数,健商,简称HQ。由加拿大医学专家谢华真教授 (Dr.Wah Jun Tze)首创,代表一个人的健康智慧及其对健康的态度,其五要索 为:自我照顾、健康知识、生活方式、健康心理和牛.活技能。仿TQ而来。
heavy weight重量级人物
例:He's one of the ireavy of the movie industry,他是电影业的重量级人物之一。
hierarchical company层级制公司(公司组织结构形式之一,公司组织层次多,机构 重叠)
例:In the hierarchical companies of the 1960s and 1970s, information moved -slowly and channels of communication were limited.在60年代和70年代的层级制公司中,信息流 通缓慢,沟通渠道十分有限。
hierarchical organizational structure 层级制组织结构,与 flat organizational structure (扁平化组织结构)相对
例: Hierarchical organizational structures have given way to flatter struciures with fewer layers between managemeni and employees.企业的层级制组织结构如今已被扁平化 组织结构取代,管理层和员工之间不再层层相隔。
hierarchical structure 层级制结构
例: The key challenge facing any sizeable organization today is how to achieve responsive- ness without losing the control inherent in a hierarchical structure .如今具有一定规模的 企业组织面临的主要挑战是,如何在获得快速反应能力的同时,继续保持层级制结构 固有的管理能力。
例:In this month, sales reached a new high .本月销售额再创新高。
例: We sec the flexible working scheme as primarily a tool for attracting potential staff to our company — especially h i^h-caiibre graduates.弹性工作方式制主要还是被视作一种 为公司招募潜在员工、尤其是高质量毕业生的手段。
high-det (iniiion)高清晰度的
例:Some people wailed until the millennium for high-def telcvision.—些人等到 2000 年后才购买髙清晰度电视机,