来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-04
中highlighter pen荧光笔;标记笔
high-occupancy vehicle 多座客车(容三人以上)简称HOV
high-rise building 高层建筑.亦作 high rise
例: An Israeli company has designed a parachute for workers in high-ri^e buildings in the ahemiFith of the suicide-hijacking attacks that Toppled the World Trade Center,在 自杀性 劫机撞毁世贸大厦的u9-ir事件后,一家以色列公司设计了一种供在高层建筑内上 班的人使用的降落伞“
high street (英) 繁华的商业大街,商业的
例 1 : In the immediate locality there is a wide range of bars and restaurants as well as most nwjor hi^h street 附近各式各样的酒吧和餐馆应有尽有,同时还汇集了商
high street competitors 位于繁作商业大街的竞争对手
例: Using your home computer, printer and small iow-investment printing machine, you can undercut jsome of your high。street competitors and still make good money. 使用家庭 电脑、打字机和小型低成本投资的印刷机器,不仅可以通过低价与繁华商业大街上的
high^stress occupation 高压力职业
例: Marketing executives are nor far below teachers» air traffic conTrollers and doctors on lhe list of high-stre^ ^cupatums.在高压力职业名单上,营销经理所承受的压力并不 比教师、空中交通管制员知医生低很多。
high-tech company 高科技公司
例: This high-tech company now has a global reputation fcr quality and innovation. 该高 科技公司以质量和创新享誉全球
high volume route客流最大的航线,航空热线
例: Some niainstream airlines have undercut leading carriers by as much as 70 per cent on high volume routes .为了枪生意,一些大航空公司对飞几条火客流量路线的主要航班 实行降价,成多降低了 70%o
highway hypnosis公路催眠(指驾驶员由于长时间驾车不知不觉地进入的一种催眠 状态)
例:No one knows how many accidents are caused by highway hypnosis -没有人知道 “公路催眼”造成了多少交通事故。
hire charges雇用金,出租金
hire purchase租购,分期付款购买
例:b(川gh( 3 computer on hire purchase .他分期付款购买了 一台电脑。
例: The lessee has only the right tc use the equipment of which he is but a hirer and hot the owner.承租人仅有使用设备权,他只是设备的租借者,而不是设备的主人.
histogram 矩形图,条形图,直方图,也称bar graph或bar chart。见bar chart。
holding company 控股公司
例: A holding company holds more than 50% of the voting shares in another company. 控股公司对另一家公司拥有50%以上的有投県权股份。
holdings (用于公司名称中)控股公司
例; DD Holdings, the UK packaging group, has announced an alliance with three other European packaging companies.英国包装集团公司DD控股公司宣布与另外三家欧洲 包装公司组成同盟。
hold music (使来电者不挂断电话的)等候乐曲,等待乐曲,亦作omhold music
例; We're going to choose some new hold music and some good phrases to use on the phone.我们准备选用一些新的等候乐曲和措辞得体的电话用语。
例: The only holdup was when the shuttle bus to lhe airport goi stuck in heavy traffic. 惟一的不顺利是往机场的班车在路上因交通拥挤被耽搁了。
holiday planner假日策划者
home-based working 在家工作
例: M&ny firms now offer home-based imrking opportunities to lheir staff as demands for more flexible arrangements grow.随着人们对弹性工作安排的需求日益增长,如今许 多公司提供在家工作的机会。
home finance plan 家庭理财计划
home meal replacement外卖。其字面义为"家常饭替代物”,是餐饮业为促销创造 的新河。
home office家庭办公室
例: The newest PCs from Japanese giant NEC are designed for home offices - 日 本电器 巨头NEC的最新型个人计算机是为家庭办公室设计的。
home sales 国内销售额
例: The car industry should try to improve home sales as well as increasing experts, 汽 车 行业应力求扩大国内销售额,同时增加出口°
home-working scheme在家工作计划
例: Good information technology support is absolutely crucial to the success of any hxme- ^K)rking scheme .完善的信息技术支持对在家工作计划的成功实施是绝对重要的。
hori^ntal integration横向合并(把生产同类商品或从事同一生产程序的公司合并) 例:The aim of horizf)ntal integration is to eliminate competition-横向合并是为 了 消除 竞争0
hospice临终关怀(医院),服务于老年人的机构。1967年由英国的桑德斯女士首家 建立。
例:She is a student on the hospitality management course .她正在学习商务交际管理课 程。
hospitality and leisure industry 交际休闲业
例: This is a world'wide recruitment and consultancy firm for the hospitality and leisure industry.这是一家全球性的交际休闲业招聘服务咨询公司。
hospitality room 迎宾室 、
例:Guests are welcomed in the hospitality room .在迎宾•室里迎接客人。
hostile takeover 恶意收购
例:Such an acquisition, which takes place without the consent of management or the board of directors, is called host He takeover・这种未经管理层或近事会同意的收购被称 为恶意收购。
例:In future, work space will become less rigid, with hatdesking bei哗 the norm.到将 来,工作场所不会僚现在这样一成不变,办公桌轮用会成为普逼接受的方式C
hotel and catering industry 酒店餐饮业
例: The survey indicates that the hotel and catering industry' s reputation as an unwise career choice isn't entirely fair.调查表明,酒店餐饮业被冠以不明智的职业选择这个 恶名有失公正。
例: More small companies are embracing ^hoteling," or the downsizing practice of using one work space for several employees on an as-needed basis, than arc large outfits-越来越 多的小公司,而非大公司,采用“旅馆式办公”的做法,即根据实际需要数名雇员合
hot money游资,热钱(在国际间快速流动的资金,投资者利用汇率和利差进行卷 利活动)
例;This month's balance of payments has been distorted by hot money .本月的 国际收 支平衡因游资冲击而被破坏。
tajrJy rate每小时收费
例;1 can fax you a copy uf the hourly rates. That will give you some idea.我可以传真 一份每小时收费的价目单给你,让你大致有个了解。
house journal公司自己的内部刊物
例:She is editor of the house journal.她是这份公司内部刊物的孺辑。
house keeper客房服务员
例: The house keeper has to make sure that everything in the guestsT room is in order. 客 房服务员必须负责把客房整理得有条不紊°
house porter房间用品搬运工
例:The sheets and towels are taken upstairs by the house porte)-.床单和毛巾由房间用 品搬运工搬上楼。
human resources人力资源(部),人才资源
例: Big companies can call on more hitman resources to deal with any difficulties. 大公司 可以集中更多的人力资源对付任何困难。
human resources director 人力资源部主管
human resources manager 人力资源部经理
human resources management 人力资源管理,简称 MRM
例:The term 1 Personnel Management1 is giving way to " Human Resources Maziage-
human skills人际技能
例: Human skills are the ability to deal with people, ix)ih inside and outside the organization. 人际技能指在公司内外与人相处的能力。
例:Ebn' t believe ail the hype ,别相信那些天花乱坠的广告宣传c
例:In today's hyper- corn pet Hive global markets, any company that operates internationally is faced with tough challenges-在当今高度竞争的国际市场.任何一家跨国公司都 海临着严峻挑战。
例;In addition io computer technoly, hypergr
hyperlink超文本链接,万维网(world.widc web)的核心所在。它使文件中不同部 分通过链接使信息由平面的、纯文本形式转为立体的、多媒体形式。
hypermedia超媒体,通过超文本链接实现的一种多媒体结合的表现形式和技术。即 除文字外,使用图像、声音、视像等其他形式显示信息的表现形式和技术C
hypertext超文本,含有超文本链接的文件。读者不用过去袭用的逐字逐句按顺序阅 读的线性阅读方法,而是根据个人兴趣和需要从文件的一页跳到另一页,或者跳到 另外一份相关文件。这种非线性阅读方法使信息由平面的、纯文本静态形式转为立 体的、多媒体动态形式。超文本的概念和设想最早于1965年为美国人Ted Nelsen 所创。