


来源 :中华考试网 2020-09-15









  1. Few of us________willing to admit that we have prejudice.

  A. were

  B. was

  C. are

  D. is

  2. The people :________homes are near the shopping center are concerned about the project.

  A. which

  B. of which

  C. who's

  D. whose

  3. The failure of the Suggestion Scheme is due________the high cost.

  A. to

  B. of

  C. in

  D. for

  4. She wore clothes________

  A. that was better than the other girls

  B. that was better than that of the other girls

  C. that were better than that of the other girls

  D. that were better than those of the other girls

  5. Will you go to John's party? It is said that there will be________interesing people.

  A. much

  B. very much


  D. little

  6. It seemed to Mrs. Garber that the butter smelled somewhat________

  A. badly

  B. bad

  C. worse

  D. worsely

  7. He isn't________to have any original ideas.

  A. clever enough

  B. enoughly clever

  C. enough clever

  D. clever enoughly

  8. It takes several months________them how to use the computer.

  A. To teaching

  B. Taught

  C. Teaching

  D. Teach

  9. The price they offer is not________yours.

  A. so competitive than

  B. as competitive than

  C. so competitive as

  D. competitive as

  10. Edward is more hard - working than________in his department.

  A. any else one

  B. any one else

  C. anyone

  D. anyone else

  11.________they come to live in Africa is not known.

  A. Why

  B. Where

  C. What

  D. Which

  12. W ood furniture does not depreciate in value________properly handled and protected.

  A. unless

  B. if

  C. that

  D. and

  13. This department requires more personnel, better facilities, and________

  A. equipment be up-to-date

  B. equipment should be up-to-date

  C. up-to-date equipment

  D. equipment up-to-date

  14. The purpose of the research had a different meaning for them than________

  A. ours .

  B. it did for us

  C. it have for us

  D. us

  15.________ll parts of the state. pines are the most common trees in Georgia.

  A. Finding them

  B. To find them

  C. Finding

  D. Found

  16. Last night we had a very hard time________some of the problems.

  A. discussed

  B. discuss

  C. discussing

  D. to discuss

  17. It is________best sellers.

  A. one of them

  B. one of their

  C. of this

  D. of that

  18. The newly-constructed highway is said to be________

  A. about 500 miles long

  B. about long 500 miles

  C. about 500 miles' long

  D. about 500 miles lengthy

  19. Employees working busily________the job did not hear the alarm.

  A. in

  B. on

  C. with

  D. for

  20. An assistant manager is inferior in position________a manager.

  A. with

  B. at

  C. in

  D. to


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