


来源 :中华考试网 2019-07-23

  21. George can hardly be labeled a radical; he is a man of ______ views.

  A. modest B. sensitive

  C.moderate D. tolerant

  22. Being _____ about its future, investors are wary of putting more money in the dot.com industry.

  A. skeptical

  B. incredible

  C. contemporary

  D. aesthetic

  23. For generations the people in these two villages lived in perfect ______.

  A. conflict

  B. distinction

  C. harmony

  D. regulation

  24. _____ by a strange loud noise downstairs, the two girls jumped from their bed and screamed.

  A. Stunned

  B. Amazed

  C. Promoted

  D. Startled

  25. The survey shows that the officials of some listed companies are ______ themselves at the expense of the stockholders.

  A. abusing

  B. rewarding

  C. disrupting

  D. enriching

  26. The terrorist attack on America on September 11, 2001 has met with _____ condemnation.

  A. overall

  B. universal


  D. espread

  27. To keep up with the pace of the modern world, we must overcome the _____ to new technology.

  A. resistance

  B. suppression

  C. charm

  D. reproach

  28. “ Take the medicine and go to bed early. If the headache ______, you should come for an X-ray examination,” said he doctor.

  A. recurs B. happens C. recovers D. repeats

  29. While the doctors analyzed the patient’s condition, his family waited outside in considerable ______.

  A. tension B. anticipation C. eagerness D. anxiety

  30. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its ______ was not. Intensity

  A. Intensity B. tension C. degree D. sensitivity

  31. Every month or so, people from here to Uzbekistan hover by TV sets for ____many regard as the greatest show on earth: an owlish, balding man with a worn briefcase ____ toward a doorway.

  A. How; slouching B. what; slouched C. when; slouches D. what; slouching

  32. Alan Greenspan may be the most significant man in the world. It is hard to imagine anyone ____ comes close, ____ the preponderance of the economy today.

  A who; giving B. whom; gives C. who; given D. that; gave

  33. I can tell you where ____ this encyclopaedia.

  A. to get B. to getting C. get D. having got

  34. ____ we should encourage the growth of service industries which ____ provided more opportunities for those laid off or unemployed, we cannot turn our backs on basic heavy industries.

  A.That; have B. If; has C. /; was D While; have

  35. We can search for planets of other stars, seek simple forms of life on such nearby planets as Mars, and ____ more extensive laboratory studies on the chemistry of the origin of life.

  A. perform B. performing C. performed D. to perform

  36. And something appeals to people about the 73-year-old former saxophone player who shows up in a tux on society pages ____ distinctly different from the stodgy central banker in the business section.

  A. looking B. looks C. have looked D. is looking

  37. ____ the temperature falling so rapidly, we can’t go for an outing tomorrow.

  A. Since B. With C. As D. Although

  38. By the time she reaches her destination, we _____ a hotel room for her.

  A.will reserve B. will have reserved C. are reserving D. reserved

  39. The society ______ much of accepted modern thinking about the shape of the earth as sheer nonsense and is convinced that the entire human race is being subjected ___ the greatest hoax in history.

  A. dismisses; in B. dismissing; with C. dismissed; to D. dismisses; to

  40. Instead of _____, they suffer from overchoice and are wounded, plunged ____ a sorrow and loneliness.

  A.are liberated; on B. having liberated; with

  C. being liberated; into D. liberate; onto

