


来源 :中华考试网 2020-07-07

  III. 部分练习讲解

  P236 Bridging the Gap

  Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given.


  动词     名词   形容词   副词    代词

  interact   night   whose  accordingly  what

  view     view    nonstop  nonstop

  end up   opportunity


  Our words have power, and our speech has the power to set the energy or the directions we 1 choosein our lives. If we say good and positive things, good and positive things (experiences) happen to us. These words give us the 2 opportunityto experience life from a positive or optimistic point of 3 view, on the other hand, we come from negativity and say negative things, 4 accordinglynegative things happen to us or we 5 end upseeing life as one big problem or disappointment.

  While we are all familiar with our external speech or voice, we also have another voice that we work with and 6 interactwith every day. This is our "inner voice". While at first glance you may think: "what is inner voice?" But when you come right down to it, we are all familiar with our inner voice. Our inner voice is that small utterance that comes from deep within us, 7 whosejob it is to provide us with guidance. This is a different kind of communication than 8 whatcomes from our normal waking consciousness, which I call our "analyzer". When our analyzer is talking, the communication we receive tends to seem more like a 9 nonstopconversation that goes on inside our heads all day and sometimes well into the 10 night .


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