


来源 :中华考试网 2018-10-18



  21. — Excuse me. How can I get to Shanzihe Airport?

  — Take Shanghai Road, follow the __________ and you can’t miss it.

  A. way B. traffic

  C. notices D. signs

  22. — I often feel __________ when speaking in public.

  — Well, just take it easy.

  A. bored B. great

  C. nervous D. serious

  23. Mum always tells me “A smile costs __________, but gives much.”

  A. anything B. something

  C. everything D. nothing

  24. Rio 2016 Olympics will __________ 16 days from August 5th to August 21st.

  A. last B. continue

  C. count D. keep

  25. I was caught in the rain. Even __________, I was late again!

  A. better B. worse

  C. further D. worst

  26. Don’t let homework __________ too much time. Children need to play.

  A. give up B. take up

  C. look up D. put up

  27. — Well, mum, could I hang out with my friends now?

  — Yes, you __________.

  A. may B. can

  C. must D. could

  28. Give me a chance, __________ I’ll give you a wonderful surprise.

  A. or B. so

  C. and D. but

  29. — May I speak to Mary?

  — Hold on, please. She _________ in the kitchen.

  A. has cooked B. cooked

  C. will cook D. is cooking

  30. — Could you please tell me __________?

  — At 169, Jinan Road.

  A. where the library lies B. how I can get to the library

  C. where is the library D. how can I get to the library

