


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-19


  Today I took part in a quiz show at a TV studio. When I arrived at 75. (eighth) o'clock, a woman put make-up on my face, and brushed my hair.

  Then the director came. He told me to stay 76. (relax) and not to worry. It was really kind of him to do that. The hot lights shone down upon 77. (we). One of the contestants passed out before the show started, so the director 78. (choose) another girl. The girl was called Angela. She knew a lot of 79. (thing). She beat me and another contestant and finally won the prize. Everyone was happy for Angela.

  I was sorry I didn't win, but I'll do 80. (well) next time.



  It is August 2050. Mrs. Peng and Mr. Yu are writing about hotels and houses on their posts.

  The Hotel Whale

  The Hotel Whale is built ①在水下. It is in the shape of a whale. This hotel has 50 bedrooms, a cafe and a shopping centre.

  Mrs. Peng: "When we were staying at the hotel recently, my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window. ②They were never bored."

  Forever Green Houses

  These houses are both "green" and "smart". There is glass outside the houses. Heat is held under the glass and is then used as energy for ③each house. In the bathroom, your medicine cupboard is connected to your doctor's computer. In the kitchen, your smart fridge tells the supermarket's computer when you ④need more food.

  Mr. Yu: "When we were living in our old house, we were using more energy. I would certainly recommend Forever Green Houses to my friends. ⑤They will satisfy everyone."


  81. 将文中划线部分①译成英语。

  82. 文中划线部分②指代的是:

  83. 写出文中划线部分③和④的同义词或近义词。



  84. 将文中划线部分⑤改写为:

  Everyone will with them.

  85. 在文中找出两个描述未来房屋的形容词。


  One day as I was sitting in a coffee shop, I noticed a girl working on her laptop. Two people ①passed by and accidentally knocked over her drink. To avoid the embarrassment(困窘), the girl pretended(假装) that ② had happened and continued working on her computer.

  This reminded me that both in China and Britain, when something strange happens around you or when you are in an embarrassing situation, ③people tend(倾向于) to use this common way to not catch other people's attention.

  A lot of the time, Britons use self-depreciating humor (自嘲式的幽默). This is a well-known British characteristic. For example, imagine walking ④ your friends and you fall over. Your friend may just say ⑤"旅途愉快!" Or you may just laugh about how clumsy(笨拙的) you are. For many Britons, making fun of yourself is a way of showing your strength of character.

  Also, British are considerate when it comes to embarrassing others. For example, students ⑥usually have a birthday party every year. So during the school day, a student will give out invitations to the class. If one person doesn't get an invitation, but the rest of the class does, he or she will feel embarrassed. To avoid it, it's common for students to even invite people who aren't ⑦their friends.


  86. 写出文中划线部分①和⑥的同义词或近义词。



  87. 在文中②和④的空白处填入适当的单词。



  88. 将文中划线部分③改写为:

  people tend to use this common way other people won't notice it.

  89. 将文中划线部分⑤译成英语。

  90. 文中划线部分⑦指代的部分。



  There are signs everywhere. We may not be able to understand the language 91. but we will probably understand the signs there.

  Different signs tell us different things. They give us:

  ● instructions (how to do something)

  92. ● directions (where to go and how to get to a place)

  93. ● warnings (what we should not do)

  94. ● information (what we need to know)


  A. first aid hereB. turn right for the airport

  C. in a foreign countryD. take the escalator to go up

  E. no ball games


  96. 某英文报刊开辟中学生栏日,请你以“Understanding Signs Is UnderstandingLanguages”为题写一篇小短文,为报社投稿(词数80-100),步骤与要点如下:

  1. 确定主题,并在文中说明原因;

  2. 围绕主题,进行叙述;

  3. 讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。


  1. 补全标题(参考词汇:as easy as;easier than;as important as;more/less important than等);

  2. 字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范;

  3. 鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;

  4. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照图文中的内容,但不可以直接引用图文中的句子;

  5. 作文中不要出现考生和相关人物的真实校名和姓名。

  Understanding Signs Is Understanding Languages

  Signs can be found everywhere and they are necessary in our daily life. In my opinion, understanding signs is

