


来源 :中华考试网 2015-09-22

  第二节:下面文章中有5处(第61 – 65题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、 D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

  (选自 平时做过的资料)

  Lend a hand.

  Keep your eyes open.

  Be seen, but not be heard.

  Make friends with your neighbors.

  Volunteer in your community.

  Keep your home safe and attractive.

  Tips for Being a Good Neighbor

  61. _______________

  No one likes a noisy neighbor. Do you hold parties that last all night? Do you leave your dog outside to bark all day? Remember that not everyone has the same schedule as you do, so use some common sense. Keep noise to the lowest level. If you’re holding a party that’s likely to be loud, invite everyone within earshot(听力范围)。


  It’s much easier to solve any problem with neighbors if you have a friendly relationship with those around you. Furthermore, you may realize that you have things in common and make a lifelong friend.


  Once you know your neighbors, then you’ll also know if something seems out of place in the neighborhood. Are strange people carrying expensive things out of one neighbor’s house? Have several days passed since your elderly neighbor last collected his newspaper? The benefit of keeping an eye out for unusual behavior in the neighborhood is that others will do the same for you.


  It never hurts to follow the Golden Rule: Do to others what you would like them to do to you. Treat your neighbors with respect. Offer to drive an elderly neighbor to the grocery store. Volunteer to collect mail while a neighbor is on vacation. The more often you lend a helping hand, the more likely that your neighbors will do the same for you when you need a little help.


  Don’t just limit your neighborly actions to your block or street. Remember that everyone who lives in a community has the ability to help make it a better place. Think about your passion and find a way to do it on a volunteer basis in your town. Volunteer at the local library. Enjoy working with kids. Consider becoming a scout (童子军)leader. Whatever your passion is, there’s sure to be a thing suitable for you to help in the local community.













  It was very nice to get your invitation to spend /\ weekend with you.Luckily I was

  the am

  completely free then, so I’ll to say “yes”.I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8 pm in Friday



  A Frenchman was once visiting London.He wished to take a walk to see a city.But he was afraid he might get lost because he knew no words of English.So before he left his hotel, he stopped in the first corner and carefully copied in his notebook the names of the street that he was staying.Then he walked on.At last, he got being lost.After several hours he found a policeman.The Frenchman tried his best to explain the policeman that he didn’t know the name of his hotel, and he knew the name of the street.He then showed the policeman that he copied in his notebook.It was read: “One-way street”.STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE

