来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-06
虎鲸以黑色为主、黑白相间占少数,而白色虎鲸更是十分罕见。在2000年,研究者惊奇地在阿拉斯加(Alaska)的阿留申群岛(Aleutian Islands)附近发现了一头白色虎鲸,暂且叫它Alaska white orca。2010年,研究者再次在俄罗斯近海岸发现了一头白色虎鲸,我们可以叫它Iceberg white orca。那这两头虎鲸究竟是不是同一头虎鲸
2. 两头虎鲸隔得太远。A虎鲸在美国的阿留申群岛附近被发现,而I虎鲸在俄罗斯的近海岸被发现,两地相隔整整1500英里
3. 两头虎鲸的年纪对不上。一般来说,人们都是通过背鳍(dorsal fin)的尺寸来判断一头虎鲸的年纪。根据背鳍的大小,当A虎鲸在2000年被发现的时候,被推测为20岁。但是10年后,Iceberg的背鳍尺寸也是20岁。所以,两头虎鲸不可能是同一头虎鲸。
2. 两头虎鲸隔得不算远。虎鲸的哺食模式(Hunting Pattern)分为两种,一种吃哺乳动物(mammal),所以他们经常出没在海岸边。另一种虎鲸喜爱哺食鱼类,所以他们会跟随鱼群的长途迁徙而环游整个海洋。有时候,他们迁徙的路径长达2000英里,所以美国到俄罗斯的区区1500英里根本不算远。
3. 两头虎鲸的年纪对得上。通过背鳍大小来判断虎鲸年纪的方法根本不靠谱。因为虎鲸长到20岁时,背鳍的尺寸就会停止增长。所以从背鳍尺寸来看,25岁和30岁的虎鲸看起来都一样。所以,这两头虎鲸其实就是同一头虎鲸。
总论点orea和 iceberg不是同一个东西
阅读部分理由一:它们身上颜色深浅度不一样。阿拉斯加海域的虎鲸比“ Iceberg”身上的颜色稍微深一些
理由二∶两只虎鲸相隔甚远。阿拉斯加虎鲸出现在阿留申群岛( Aleutian Islands)。虎鲸 Iceberg”出现在俄罗斯海域,这两个海域相差了1500公里远。虎鲸习惯在近海待着不会游到这么远的海域去
理由三它们的年龄也不一样。科学家会根据虎鲸的大小判断其年龄。2000年发现的阿拉斯加海域的白色虎鲸,当时大概是20岁。而2010年发现的虎鲸 Iceberg”,当时被推测也就只有20岁左右。但如果它们是同条虎鲸,2010年的时候,这条虎鲸应该是30岁而非20岁。
理由一:虎鲸身上的颜色会随着季节变化。原因是海水中在特定的季节会长出海藻( algae),海水中如果有海藻,会让虎鲸身上的颜色看起来深一些。所以,这条虎鲸在阿拉斯加海域颜色较深的原因就是海水中有较多的海藻
理由二:不同虎鲸的饮食结构不一样。一些虎鲸吃哺乳动物,一些虎鲸吃鱼类。那些吃哺乳动物的虎鲸会待在靠近海岸的地区,不长途迁徙。然而吃鱼的虎鲸会尾随那些迁徙的鱼群长达2000公里。恰巧“ Iceberg"'就是属于食鱼类虎鲸,所以会长途迁徙。
The reading and listening discuss about orca and iceberg. The author believes that iceberg and orca are actually two different individuals.
Firstly, in the reading passage, the orca appears to be darker than iceberg. However, the listening material refutes this statement by saying that the exact color of an Orca’s skin can change a bit from season to season. The reason for this is algae. Algae are small plant organisms that grow on whale skin during some parts of the year. Algae growth would make white skin look a bit darker. The Alaskan sighting occurred during a different season than the Russian sighting, so if we take into account the seasonal variation in algae growth it could have been the same whale seen both times, only one time it was covered with more algae than the other time.
Secondly, according to the reading, the sightings were very far apart. On the contrary, the professor casts doubt on this statement, it’s important to know that Orca’s live in groups that have different lifestyles. Some groups hunt mammals, while other groups hunt fish. The mammal-eating Orcas tend to stay near coastlines and not migrate far, just like the reading said. However, scientists have determined that Iceberg belongs to a fish-hunting group.Fish-hunting Orcas follow migrating fish and can travel over 2000 kilometers in the open ocean, so it wouldn’t have been unusual for Iceberg to travel between Alaska and Russia.
Finally, about the difference age. Age estimates based on the size of the dorsal fin are not necessarily accurate. You see, after an Orca reaches 20 years of age its dorsal fin, doesn’t grow anymore, so when scientists see an Orca with a fully grown dorsal fin, that Orca could be 20 years old, but it could also be 25 or 30 years old, so Iceberg could easily have been older than the scientists estimated, which means it could have been the same Orca as the one seen in Alaska earlier.