


来源 :中华考试网 2017-11-16


  T1: Which of the following three volunteer activities do you like the most: playing games with kids, giving a speech about your interests or major, tutoring kids with their homework?


  I prefer to tutor kids with their homework. You see, I am a student majored in English and I wish one day I could be an English teacher. Tutoring kids with their homework could help me to gain more experience. I could learn how to communicate with them in an efficient way and how to arouse their interest in study. Another reason I choose tutoring kids is that I wish I could put what I have learned into practice and help these kids to better learn their course. I have gathered abundant experience in English learning and I know what methods work. I have confidence that I would make a good teacher.

  T2: Between the following two places, where would you choose to live? 1. A big and new place but far from your workplace or university; 2. A small and old place but near your workplace or university.


  If I had to choose a place to live in, I would prefer living in a small and old place but close to my university. First of all, it enables me to walk to school rather than drive to school. Walking is a good exercise, and it helps me to avoid heavy traffic, and it will do good to the environment. Second, living close to a university means I have more opportunities to attend exciting concerts, lectures, and plays that come to campus and are often free of charge. I don’t need to worry that I might not be able to get a cab when the activities end.

