


来源 :中华考试网 2017-05-18


  § Headword

  § Synonym

  § 汉译

  § Antonym

  § complex

  § complicated, involved, elaborate

  § 复杂的

  § simple, plain

  § This project involves a lot of complex technical problems.

  § humanness

  § 人性

  § Only two of them, however, are needed to explain the uncanny valley. These arehumanness and eeriness.

  § arise out of

  § 源于, 起因于

  § One method which can be adopted to curb the problems which arise out of unemployment among youths, involves the providing of relief or protection from the financial hardships of unemployment.

  § sustain

  § uphold

  § 维持

  § Wants, or desires, are things we would like to have but they do not sustain us.

  § interaction

  § intercourse

  § 互动交流

  § The real power of the concept comes not from any one of these devices; it emerges from the interaction of all of them.

  § fairly

  § virtually, practically,all but

  § 相当地

  § Statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast.

  § constantly

  § frequently, repeatedly, continually

  § 不断地

  § rarely, seldom

  § We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation.

  § association

  § relation

  § 交往, 关系

  § Dissociation

  § This will show the relationship between them as an association.

  § stable

  § certain

  § 稳定的

  § Unpredictable

  § The stable situation of our country today was hard won.

