


来源 :中华考试网 2016-11-02

  1、If you don’t work hard today, you’ll try hard to look for a new job tomorrow.今天工作不努力,明天努力找工作。

  2、Harry found a job in the company.哈利在这家公司找到了工作。Henry works with the bank.亨利在银行上班。

  3、His parents lost their job, and his family couldn’t afford him to go to college.他的父母失业了,无法支持他上大学。

  表示“失业”的说法还有:be laid off, get a pink note, be dismissed, be fired, be given the bush, be given the sack, be axed, give the boot, get canned等等。

  4、Now John has decided to turn over a new leaf and go to school on time every day.现在约翰决定改过自新,每天准时上学。

  5、We live on salary but can’t feed on it. We can’t get what we want in the faraway town.我们靠工资生活,但不能吃钞票。在这个偏僻的小镇我们就是买不到想要的东西。

  6、The beggars lived by begging in the street.这些乞丐靠在街头乞讨为生。

  7、Grandpa told me in the old days they lived a miserable life.祖父告诉我在旧社会他们过着悲惨的生活。

  类似的说法有:live/lead a happy life(过着幸福的生活), live a dog’s life(过着牛马不如的生活), live a great life(生的伟大), live up to one’s expectation(不辜负某人的期望), live a lie(过着虚伪的生活)等。

