


来源 :中华考试网 2016-08-31

  1. 段落题语气做题法-要点

  a. 语速降低处多有考点――引出总结

  b. 细微停顿后多有考点――引出观点或强调要点

  c. 老师的指令有明显语气特征:please remember…, notice tha…t, please bear in mind tha…t, pay special attention to…

  d. 单词重读处多有考点――引出或反驳观点的动词 argue/doubt;形容词/副词最高级;转折词:but, however, unfortunately, on the contrary; 程度副词:mostly, mainly, completely, extremely

  e. 师生间表达态度或倾向性意见时往往有明显语气特征:赞赏/否定/怀疑/不确定

  f. 回答时如有明显升调要特别留意(升调多偏怀疑或否定)

  g. 不断重复的词或概念多与主题有密切关系,重读

  2. 段落结尾提到的建议必出考点:(听力段落尾巴题,口语第五题)

  建议:Why don’t you do sth

  责备:Why didn’t you do sth

  Why no do sth?

  表肯定:为什么呢? Why not

  表否定:何必呢,何苦呢 Why do sth

  You’d better do sth/ be better off doing

  How about…?/ What about…?

  You might do sth?/ You might want to do sth

  You should do sth

  It couldn’t hurt to do sth


  A. 委婉与其表建议:Maybe/ perhaps/ probably you should / I suppose you could…

  B. 虚拟语气表建议:If I were you, I would do sth

  C. 祈使句:Just+ V.

  D. 发语词后跟建议:tell you what, / you know what,/ guess what

