


来源 :中华考试网 2016-08-01

  一、 重复反问

  1、 重复adj. 加强语气

  2、 重复adj.以外 提出异议

  3、 注意语气的明显变化


  (A) He enjoys looking at the flowers.

  (B) He thinks the park is boring.

  (C) He does not like walking with the woman.

  (D) He does not see any trees.

  A:I just love walking through this park. The trees are gorgeous.

  B:The trees? What about these wild flowers?

  What does the man mean?

  二、 语气题型

  考 点:① 单词重读

  ② 语调

  ③ 语气词

  (注):① 类多表示 抱怨、责备、不满

  ② 类分为 ___________________

  ③ 类 考答句语气词, 注意感情色彩


  1、(A) The woman already knew about the increase in fees.

  (B) The dorms will be cheaper than off-campus housing.

  (C) The woman thinks the man should move out of the dorm.

  (D)The woman is pleased she won’t have to pay the higher fees.

  M: Hey, did you hear that they’re going to raise the dorm fees again?

  W: Really? Am I glad I decided to move off campus?

  What can be inferred from the conversation?

  2、(A) She didn’t see it.

  (B) It had nothing to do with politics.

  (C) Some people wouldn’t find it interesting.

  (D) The man ought to watch it again.

  M: What a great television program. That was really stimulating. Don’t you think?

  W: Well, only if you like politics.

  What does the woman imply about the television program?

  3、(A) Dry his clothes for another fifteen minutes

  (B) Inspect the dryer for damage.

  (C) Take this clothes out of the dryer.

  (D) Wash his clothes again

  W:You probably shouldn’t keep the clothes in drier for longer than 45 min.

  M: Oh, no. I’ve already had them in there for an hour.

  What will the man probably do next?

