


来源 :中华考试网 2016-06-06


  3. 失爆问题


  l Sit down, good night, friendly

  l -this calculator isn’t working right.

  -I think you’ve got the battery in upside down.


  4. 略读问题


  l I am = I’m, you have = you’ve, how is = how’s, that would = that’d

  l Doesn’t, didn’t, shouldn’t, hadn’t, hasn’t, wouldn’t, won’t

  l Official guide P199:OK. So we’ve talked about some different types of root systems of plants, and I’ve shown you some pretty cool slides, but now I want to talk about the extent of the rot system- the overall size of the root system…the depth.


  l I’m, you’re, she’s, they’re, there’s, he’s, who’s

  l We’ve, he’ll, she’d, she’ll, she’s, they’d, they’ve, they’ll

  l Can’t, weren’t, won’t, aren’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t

  l Gotta, gonna

  5. 弱读问题


  (1) 介词弱化:

  l stay at home, do it for fun, come from China, go in the house, a cup of coffee, the train to Paris

  (2) 代词弱化:

  l Phone us when you are free.

  l I’ve lost my book.

  (3) 连词弱化:

  l Please give me some cream and sugar.

  l Either Tom or Peter can come.


  6. 英美音差异问题


  (1) 【r】音问题

  l Idea, really

  l They weren’t at the dorm last night.

  (A) They went to the dormitory.

  (B) They didn’t go to the dormitory.

  l -The snow is really coming down, isn’t it?

  -Rarely do we have so much snow in December.

  -What does the man mean?

  (A) it is typical December weather for this region.

  (B) such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.

  (2) 【o】【a:】

  l Glass, class, fast

  l Hot, box, rock

  (3) 其他情况

  l Neither


  l 常见易混音:Course-cause, once more-one small, career-Korea, worse-was, bore-ball, door-doll, core-call, tear-tea, short-shot

  l 不加儿化音的词:China, Australia, banana, wall

  l 常见英美音不同读法:Neither, either, record, cupboard, cassette, garage, laboratory, adult, ordinary, secretary, dictionary

