


来源 :中华考试网 2017-08-23

  Experience of children shows that it is possible to operate upon feeling, and not only upon outward behavior, by giving children an environment in which desirable emotions shall become common and undesirable emotions rare. (从情感的培养的角度谈,对儿童心理状态的影响)Throughout childhood, though to a continually diminishing extent, there is need of the feeling of safety. For this purpose, kindness and a pleasant routine are the essentials. The relation with adults should be one of play and physical ease, but not of emotional actresses. There should be close intimacy with other children. Above all, there should be opportunity for initiative in construction, in exploration, and in intellectual and artistic direction. The child has two opposite needs, safety and freedom, of which the latter gradually grows at the expense of the former. The affection given by adults should be such as to cause a feeling of safety, but onto such as to limit freedom or to arouse a deep emotional response in the child. Play, which is a vital need of childhood, should be contributed not only by other children, but also by parents, and is essential to the best relation between parents and children.

  从儿童哪里得到的经验表明,如果能为孩子们创造一个环境: 好的情感很普遍,坏的情感很罕见,就可能会对他们的内心发生作用,而不只是对外在的行为起作用。在整个儿童期,都需要有安全感,尽管其程度逐步减少。慈爱和一个愉快的生活氛围对于安全感是至关重要的。小孩与大人的关系应是一种游戏的关系,小孩要感到很自在,但又不能被溺爱。小孩之间应该有亲密关系。尤其重要的是,小孩应该有机会主动进行建设性,探索性,有智力和艺术成分的活动。小孩有两种相反的需求:安全和自由,后者的逐步发展以牺牲前者为代价。大人给予的爱必须既能产生安全感,又不致于限制自由,也不致于引起小孩很深的情绪反应。游戏是孩子们的头等需求,不但孩子之间需要玩游戏,父母也应该加入进来,这对于培养父母和孩子间的良好关系是很关键的。

  I am not an advocate of absolute freedom, but I am an advocate of certain forms of freedom which most adults find unendurable. There should be no enforced respect for grow-ups, who should allow themselves to be called fools whenever children wish to call them so. We cannot prevent our children from thinking us fools by merely forbidding them to utter their thoughts; in fact, they are more likely to think ill of us if they dare not say so. Children should not be forbidden to swear—not because it is desirable that they should swear, but because it is desirable that they should think that it does not matter whether they do or not, since this is a true proposition. They should be free entirely from the sex taboo, and not checked when their conversation seems to inhibited adults to be indecent. If they express opinions on religion or politics or morals, they may be met with argument, provided it is genuine argument, but not if it is really dogma: the adult may, and should, suggest considerations to them, but should not impose conclusion.


  Given such conditions, children may grow up fearless and fundamentally happy, without the resentment that comes of thwarting or the excessive demands that are produced by an atmosphere of hothouse affection. Their intelligence will be untrammeled, and their views on human affairs will have the kindliness that comes of contentment.

  (education and social order, 1932)



