


来源 :中华考试网 2017-04-28


  建议类相对来说比较好答,所以这里不多说,具体答案可以收听最后录音。但要注意suggest 这个词的用法。不少童鞋容易说suggest sb to do,这是错误的!这是错误的!这是错误的!只能说suggest doing,或者suggest (that) sb do,同样的还有propose,也是同样的用法。





  Sample Answer: “Be careful when you try to send some gifts to Chinese friends as an expression of kindness” would be my most important piece of advice for my friend, since it may rub some people the wrong way. You see, the names of certain things may sound exactly like some bad words in Chinese. For example, the word umbrella in Mandarin pronounces San, which at the same time stands for separation and break-up. The same case is also true for clocks. It is quite inconsiderate or even rude to send those stuff as presents. Of course, there are always some safe choices, like flowers, vases, mature wine and stuff.


  Well, first off, I would say that tourists should be aware of the cultural taboos, for instance, there are quite a lot of restaurants in my country that are operated by Muslims, and liquor is very strictly prohibited, so I suggest tourists should not drink in these restaurants, otherwise, it is very offensive to the owner and it will lead to serious conflict. Additionally, riding the subway is a big part of the life in my city, and there are lots of etiquettes one should observe when riding the subway, like don’t talk loudly on the train, and avoid direct eye contact, otherwise, it is very embarrassing.


  这是Task1中经典的Free-choice题目的Qualities or Characteristics Question中一道经典的开放题目,只需列出应该和不该做的事项,并给出合理的解释即可。

