来源 :中华考试网 2017-03-28
Task 1: Things always change in an unexpected way.Please describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.
Task 2: You live in a crowded city with only onegreen space – the city park. The government recently proposes to build ahousing complex on this only green space. Do you think it is a good idea and why?
首先看Task1,题干关键词是10 years ago, 意思就是问你10年前你没想过10年后在你身上发生的一件事。按照大话题来分类,是属于人事地物四大类话题里的事件类话题,再细分就是变化(change)类的题目。上过我的课的同学们应该知道(没上过的你现在也知道了),我说过,凡在题干中出现change,就要想到的一件事就是同学们现在正在或准备去做的事–studying abroad.
Studying abroad作为一个常用套路,它的好处或意义或带来的改变可以从三方面去叙述:1.Learn about foreign cultures; 2. Be more independent; 3. Expand social connections.
因此这道题完全可以从study abroad入手,10年前的你(应该大多数同学还在上小学)完全没有想过有朝一日你会出国留学或有机会在国外生活、学习,并且描述这段经历给你带来了一些变化。
2016/06/04 Task 1: Describe one or two ways your life may change five years from now. Please include specific reasons and details in your response.
是不是觉得题干中出现的five years和change这两个词让你突然想到了什么呢?
然后我们来看Task2,这道题看似是一个情景假设,实际不难看出就是问你城市绿地(环保)的重要性,因此大范围属于环保类话题,当然是选择disagree更好答。同学们可以直接把城市绿地的重要性之二、三条列举出来,每一点加以阐释。例如beautifythe environment, provide a recreational space for the citizens, 还有the trees and plants in the park could contribute to a better air quality in the city center等等。或者有同学想不出来很多细节的话,也可以在第二点里反面比较如果占用最后一块绿地会导致的负面影响,例如the last green would be eliminated by the human beings and the next generation would be able to enjoy a refreshing place. Thus, it would make the living condition even worse for the citizens.
So, 多掌握一些常见话题,学会举一反三触类旁通,以不变应万变就能化繁为简啦,你学会了吗?